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yes you should, thats what i did when i found my baby bunny in the woods my dad told me that if you feed it kittens milk its alot healthier that regular milk.

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Q: Should you feed baby rabbits kitten milk?
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What should you feed a baby bunny beside formula and kitten milk?


Can you feed a baby kitten baby formula?

yes you can but it will not give the kitten the nutrients it needs

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Can you feed a rejected baby rabbit cows milk?

No. No baby rabbits, orphaned or not, should be fed cows milk.

What to feed wild baba rabbits?

Wild baby rabbits can eat rabbit pellets, hay and carrots when they are two weeks old. Before that you should hand feed them.

What else can you feed a baby rabbit?

RABBIT PELLETS AND NOTHING ELSE!!! If you give them greens, they will die!

What should be done with baby rabbits on school playground?

Shoot them,cook them on a fire and feed to the pedophile

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kitten or puppy formula

Can you feed baby rabbits evaporated milk?

Actually no because it could be bad for the rabbits

Can baby cottontails drink half and half?

If baby rabbits cannot have mother's milk they need either puppy or kitten formula fed with a nurser bottle. The cottontails also need feed pellets if over four weeks old.

What to feed baby WILD mice?

Fill a pipette with baby soy milk formula (or kitten milk) and feed it to the baby mouse every 1-2 hours

What is better for bunnies 2 percent cow milk or baby kitten milk?

Kitten Milk Replacer (KMR) formula is the only thing you should feed a baby nursing rabbit who's been orphaned. This is true of domestic rabbits. If the rabbit is a wild North American breed, experts suggest goat's milk instead. Either way, NEVER feed a rabbit cow milk of ANY kind. This is not healthy for the rabbit, the rabbit can't digest it, and it will make the rabbit very sick and probably kill it. It is very difficult to hand-rear baby rabbits, especially if you don't have the experience. If you have orphaned baby rabbits, you should find a local expert to help you. This could be a wildlife rehabber, or a rabbit rescue organization, or a vet, animal shelter, or government agency. See the related links below for help.