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Yes, that's what budgies eat, seeds.

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Q: Should you give your budgie seeds to eat?
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Can a budgie eat catfish?

No. They are seed eaters, can have some greens or fruit.

How much should a budgie eat per day?

A single English budgie should have 40 droppings a day,if not,then that's a problem.

Can cats eat cumin seeds?

Yes. Cats CAN eat many things that they should not necessarily eat. Cumin seeds is a great example. Cumin seeds can give your cat digestion and messy elimination issues.

Can budgies eat hazelnuts?

I have a pet budgie and mine wont eat anything but seeds but i have had budgies in the past and they will eat very small nuts. they are small birds so dont give your bird a bigger nut that a macaw would eat.

Can cockateils eat the same seeds as budgies?

Yes, since i find it very hard to find cockateil food where i come from i normally feed him budgie seeds, but it is important you feed him more vegetables and fruits than seeds or he will die sooner.

How do plants give out seeds?

They dont give out seeds they get carried around by birds which kind of eat and drop them about

Can guinea pigs eat sweet pepper seeds?

Guinea pigs should not eat sweet pepper seeds, due to the amount of capsaicin they contain. Whenever you give sweet peppers to a guinea pig, make sure you remove all the seeds.

How do you get your budgie to eat vegtebles?

I got my parakeet, or budgie, to really love carrots without much of a trouble by peeling it into peices with a peeler and feeding them to her. Be sure to not give her the rough outside of the carrot, but the inside.

Will geckos eat budgie eggs?

Geckos are insectivores and tend to only go for moving prey. They will not eat budgie eggs.

What people food can parakeet eat?

lettuce,carrots,peas,blueberries,corn,apples,applesauce,whole wheat bread,sunflower seeds, and crackers. do not give them milk to drink cause milk can kill them and give them alot of poop. just give them water to drink

What kinds of food do budgies not eat?

they do not eat meat and NEVER feed them avacado because they can get very sick from it. You can't feed them other foods humans may have except for vegetables, fruits and budgie seeds.

Can budgie eat apple?

if they have a mouth they can