

Should you go to swimming with head lice?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Should you go to swimming with head lice?
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What should you do if you may be infected with head lice?

go to a doctor they will prescribe u medicine

Can lice go from your head to your crotch?

Head lice and pubic lice are two different species of lice, I don't know if it's impossible to spread it, it would however be very hard for the head lice or louse to survive

If you were around someone with head lice can you catch it?

Yes, they can swim Municipal, City and Private public access pools are tested daily under heath regulations. The concentration of Chlorine or Bromine is sufficient to kill lice and other bacteria in the water. So your answer is no you can't get lice from a pool.

Can lice go through sheets?

This question is categorized under head lice. To answer that question, the answer is very likely no. Head lice are about the size of a sesame seed. Most sheets sold today are woven much more tightly than that to allow them to go through sheets. There is a SMALL chance head lice may transfer from one person to another if sharing a pillow or a fabric that has touched an infested person's head. The probability is minimal, but items such as sheets should be washed and dried at the highest possible temperature. I am not an expert on body lice or pubic lice, so I can only comment on head lice.

Can you go swimming after a head lice treatment?

after the recommended incubation period (= how long to leave it on) is over. But wash hair first so you don't get the stuff into pool.

Do you have to treat your swimming pool with anything if someone with lice was in it swimming?

The chemicals in the pool won't effect the lice. It will take a lot more than that. I recommend buying a shampoo specifically for getting lice out. If that doesn't work, you should talk to your doctor or something. The lice cling onto your hair shaft and don't let go even if your underwater. Actually, you shouldn't go swimming until the lice is away. You may give it to somebody else. I got a lot of this information from

Is there a cure for head lice?

Yes,go to the doctor and let them look in your head.

Can you get head lice from washing chicken eggs?

Yep you can ! Go to the doctor SOON cuz the head lice from chicken eggs KILLS !

Do you get ear pain if you have lice?

I've had head lice before and it didn't cause any ear pain. Maybe their is something going on with your eardrum that you should go check out. Hope this helped.

Will you be itchy if head lice go in your ears?

Yes, head lice can live and lay eggs in your ears. Most doctors don't even seem to be aware of this. Bring it to your doctor's attention in order to be properly and fully treated in the head lice removal process.

What if you treat for lice and you still itch?

You could go ahead, just as a precaution, go to a pharmacy or somewhere and buy head lice shampoo, and follow the directions and if you do have lice, then the shampoo will kill them. Most head lice kits usually include a head lice comb aswell.

How can make a hair free from head lice?

go to the store and buy some Lice Egg & Larvae killer shampoo. that should do the trick. also make sure to wash any bedding/cloth you have, or spray it with lice killing bed spray.