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I'm not sure what you mean by "quotes," but here are two possible answers. # You do not need to put your paragraph inside quotation marks unless it is not your paragraph. If you have copied a paragraph that someone else wrote, then you do put quotes around it, and also tell who wrote it. # If you would like to end your paragraph with a short quote by someone else, you certainly can do that. If you have found a quote that exactly sums up what you wanted to say, you can conclude by writing "X said, 'Y,'" or "As X said, 'Y'" - X would be the name of the author and Y would be whatever they said. As Heather Armstrong said, "Keep writing."

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15y ago
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15y ago

No. However, a long quotation should be indented and there should be two blank lines before and after it.

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15y ago

Yes. It is also good to use a quote to start a speech. Make sure it relates to your topic though!

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14y ago

Yes, and you have to indent too!

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Q: Should you make a new paragraph when there are quotations?
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