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Caffiene and Ativan have pretty opposite uses. Caffiene tends to wake a person up, can make one jittery or nervous, and can increase anxiety, anger and upset. Ativan is designed to help one to calm down, reduce anxiety and upset, and relax overall. You might have to think about why you need one or the other, or both.

After taking Ativan in the evening, caffiene the next morning can help get rid of lingering hangover, drowsiness, etc.

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Q: Should you mix caffeine and Ativan?
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Benadryl is incompatible with Haldol, do not mix. Compatibility is unknown between Benadryl and Ativan, do not mix. Ativan is compatible with Haldol, ok to mix. To prepare and serve a B52=Haldol and Ativan in one syringe, Benadryl in another.

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I think you'll be alright, i assume that your worried about the caffeine content of the beverage however there is such a small amount that it shouldn't have any impact on you while taking ativan. It is recommended that you avoid Large* amounts of caffeine while on lorazapam.

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I have taken 5 glasses of wine and 1mg Ativan before going to sleep...I slept like a baby! The problem is if you increase the Ativan dose, I read it can be lethal!

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That seems like a really dangerous combination. Really.

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Yes. You can mix haldol and ativan for an IM injection. It's done frequently done in situations of frank psychoses, like in an ER or psychiatric facility and can be referred to as "halivan." The effect is quite potent and the drugs should only be given by medical personnel with the proper credentials in a location where the patient can have proper monitoring.

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Nothing, you still get the effects of both the caffeine and painkillers so it should be all good. :)

Can you mix Dilaudid and Ativan for iv injection?

You most certainly can if you are waiting to meet your maker.

Can you mix caffeine with xanax with coffee and soda?

Can you? of course. Should you? thats up to the user and his/her level of experience with the medicine and tolerance level.

Should a 50 lb child take Ativan?

Children should not take Ativan unless it is prescribed for them, and that would be extremely rare.