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Yes, guinea pigs have delicate spines, which aren't as flexible as hamster spines. If you put a guinea pig in a hamster ball then you can seriously harm their back. Even the ones that say suitable for guinea pigs shouldn't be used.

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NO! Never ever put your piggy in a ball! it can break their backs and possibly kill them.

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Q: Should you put your Guinea Pig in a Guinea Pig ball?
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Can you heal a guinea pig alone?

I would not recommend you to heal a guinea pig at home. You should bring your guinea pig to a local animal hospital. Healing a guinea pig alone can cause germs going into the guinea pig. That can be harmful for your pet.

If someone doesn't have a backyard where should they put their dead Guinea Pig?

In a family or friends garden, or in a field.

Your guinea pig is bleeding from its nose and mouth what do you do?

Just clean the blood off, wash it, and put some antibiotic creme on and a bandaid; same thing you do for normal cut.

Should I get a guinea pig or a budgie and why?

You should get a guinea pig, because they are great pets. Alot of other small animals give off diseases, but generally guinea pigs do not. They aren't too small, but they aren't that big either. They are the perfect size, so they are easy to hold. They don't make that much noise, with the exception of the first few days, because the guinea pig won't know where it is. Guinea pigs however, do not smell either. There are many guinea pigs in shelters that get put down, because they can't find owners for them. Therefore, you should get a guinea pig.

What if you put a guinea pig in front of a dogs nose?

It should not do anything to the Guinea Pig, when you first pet the Guinea Pig in front of the dogs nose it might be scared but as long as you don't keep it in front of the nose it should be fine. You might want to get some other peoples advice on it just to make sure. Take Care and God Bless!

Related questions

How much does a Guinea Pig have to weigh to roll in a roll-about ball?

You should never put a guinea pig inside of a ball as their spines are not made to bend in that manner. Serious injury or death could occur from placing a guinea pig within a roll-about ball.

Can a Guinea Pig and a Chinchilla get along?

you should never put a guinea pig with a chinchilla

Should you put a fixed male guinea pig with a female guinea pig?

it really depends on the guinea pig, some get along fine with friends some don't

Can guinea pigs go in guinea pig balls?

No, not even hamsters should play in a hamster ball. It frightens them , can effect their eyesight and makes them disorientated. Do NOT put a guinea pig in ANY ball. They do not have the spines that hamsters have. They can break their backs and possibly die. No, because it can hurt their feet.

How should you take your guinea pig to the vet?

You should just put it in a cage.

How do you put a harbnes on a guinea pig?

Do you mean a harness? If so, it shouldn't be put on in the first place... You should let your guinea pig have supervised floor/lap time :)

How do you carry a guinea pig?

You put your hand under it's but and lay your other hand on it's back. The guinea pig should be leaning on you.

Can you put a neutered guinea pig in with a spayed guinea pig?

Yes, you can.

If one guinea pig is sick in cage are the rest sick?

not necessarily; if you leave one guinea pig in the cage with the sick guinea pig, the guinea pig that is not sick can get sick; you should separate them just to be safe but if the guinea pigs start to get lonely, put them back together

Can you put a female guinea pig with a female hamster Or a male guinea pig with a female hamster?

you shoudl not put a hamster and a guinea pig in the same cage no matter what.

What can you put on a ramp in a guinea pig's cage?

You probably shouldn't- guinea pigs are not as flexible as hamsters and the like, and may fall and be seriously injured. You should also NEVER put a guinea pig on a wheel- they will break their backs.

What do guinea pig love to do?

well when my guniea pig is out of its cage it likes to roam around. I also have a ball that i can put hay in it and he has a blast with it he rolls it around