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tachycardia and possible dizziness

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Q: Side effects of epinephrine in anaphylaxis?
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How is anaphylaxis treated?

The emergency condition of anaphylaxis is treated with injection of adrenaline, also known as epinephrine.

How long do the side effects of epinephrine last?

hoe long does epinephrine last in the system after injection?

Which drug can reverse the effects of anaphylaxis?

Which drug can receive the effects of anaphylaxis

What makes racemic epinephrine more effective?

Because it causes less cardiovascular side effects than common epinephrine

Why is epinephrine injected as a treatment for the respiratory signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis?

you are a test tube baby

What is the antidote for Lasix?

Mannitol is used to treat edema. People that suffer the side effect of anaphylaxis shock can use the antidote of epinephrine to counteract the Mannitol.

What is the treatment for anaphylaxis?

anaphylaxis is treated with injection of adrenaline, also known as epinephrine. People who are prone to anaphylaxis because of food or insect allergies often carry an "Epi-pen" containing adrenaline in a hypodermic needle.

What does Anaphylaxis kits contain?

Anaphylaxis kits typically contain items such as an epinephrine auto-injector, antihistamines, and corticosteroids. These medications are used to treat severe allergic reactions quickly before seeking further medical attention.

Amphetamines mimic the effects of the neurotransmitter?


What is the definition of epinephrine?

A hormone that increases heart rate, narrows blood vessels, and dilates air passageways. It is produced in the adrenal glands above your kidneys. Patients with anaphylaxis(severe allergic reactions) are given epinephrine, along with patients having a heart attack.

What is the purpose of epinephrine?

It is the hormone that raises the heart rate and increases the blood pressure. This hormone is the one that acts up when a bully picks on you and you have to decide whether to fight or run away.

What medication can you find epinephrine in?

epinephrine can be found in over the counter (OTC) primatene mist. However, you should be cautious when using this medication, as it can have undesirable side effects. Many other medications can also interact with this drug, and cause serious adverse effects. You should only use this if you have been told by your doctor that you have asthma.