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the medial epicondyle and the lateral epicondyle - The gluteal tuberosity and linea aspera

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14y ago

1. Linea aspera

2. greater & lesser trochanters

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Q: Sites of muscle attachment on the proximal femur?
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What are the two sites of muscle attachment on the proxial femur?

gluteal tuberosity and the greater and lesser trochanters

What bone is distal to the femur?

Yes, the patella is distal to the femur. This is because the patella is more distant than the femur to the attachment point to the trunk of the body. You can also say the femur is proximal to the patella.

Is the femur distal to the tarsals?

The femur is proximal to the tarsals (ankle bones). The femur is the thighbone.

What are Large points of muscle attachment near the head of the femur are called?

The greater and lesser trochanters.

What bony landmark is located proximal medial portion of the thigh?

The lesser trochanter is on the proximal medial portion of the femur. The femur is the scientific name for the thigh bone.

The femur joins with the tibia at its distal end and fits into what at its proximal end?

The femur fits into the acetabulum at its proximal end. The acetabulum is part of the pelvis.

How is piriformis syndrome caused?

The condition is caused by the irritation or compression of the proximal sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle, which connects the sciatic notch with the greater trochanter of the femur

What is the name of the joint at the distal end of the femur and proximal end of the tibia that the patella overlaps?

The tibiofemoral joint is at the distal and of the femur and proximal end of the tibia. The femur is the thighbone, and the tibia is the larger of the two bones of the lower leg.

Is your femur a smooth muscle?

The femur is a bone in a person's leg - not a muscle !

What is muscle attachment and function?

Origin and Insertion One of the points of attachment is the ORIGIN (typically the non-moving point of attachment). The other point of attachment is the INSERTION (typically the moving point of attachment). For example - when the brachialis muscle (located on the upper arm) contracts - it shortens the distance between the origin (on the humerus - the upper arm bone and the insertion (on the radius - the forearm bone). The humerus does not move, but the radius does move - it moves closer to the humerus.

What is the proximal skeleton?

The term proximal is used to describe where the appendage joins the body. So in humans this would be the femur and the humerus.

Site of muscle attachment on proximal femur?

It's The gluteal tuberosity and the Greater and Lesser Trochanters.