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Q: Sliver sulfide forms when silver and sulfur S8 react?
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What is the chemical name for a black coating on an 1890 coin?

The black coating on an 1890 coin is likely silver sulfide, which forms due to the reaction of silver with sulfur in the environment, leading to tarnishing. Silver sulfide gives the coin a black appearance and is a common occurrence in silver coins that have not been properly stored.

What is the rusting of silver?

The rusting of silver is not technically "rusting," as rust is specific to iron. Silver does not rust, but it can tarnish when exposed to air and sulfur compounds, forming a dark layer on the surface. This tarnish can be removed by polishing the silver.

Why silver metal doesn't combine easily with oxygen but silver jwellery tarnishes after some time?

Silver metal doesn't combine easily with oxygen in the air at room temperature due to a protective layer of silver oxide that forms on its surface, preventing further oxidation. However, in the presence of sulfur compounds found in the environment (like hydrogen sulfide), silver jewelry can tarnish as silver sulfide forms on its surface, giving it a dull appearance.

What is the chemical formula for the ionic compound that forms between potassium and sulfur?

This compound is potassium sulfide - K2S.

What kinds of bonds does silver have?

Silver typically forms metallic bonds with other silver atoms, as it is a metal. It can also form ionic bonds with nonmetals, such as with chlorine in silver chloride (AgCl). Additionally, silver can create covalent bonds with other nonmetals, like sulfur in silver sulfide (Ag2S).

Related questions

Word equation for when silver sulfide forms when silver and sulfurS8react?

The word equation for the formation of silver sulfide when silver reacts with sulfur is: Silver + Sulfur -> Silver Sulfide.

What is the chemical equation for silver sulfide forms when silver and sulfur S8 react?

The chemical equation for the formation of silver sulfide when silver and sulfur react is: 8 Ag + S8 -> 8 Ag2S

What is the equation of silver sulfide forms when silver and sulfur react?

The chemical equation for the formation of silver sulfide when silver and sulfur react is: 2Ag + S -> Ag2S.

What is the compound formula for silver and sulfur?

The compound formula for silver and sulfur is Ag2S. This means that for every one atom of silver, there are two atoms of sulfur in the compound. Silver sulfide is a chemical compound that forms when silver and sulfur combine.

What is the compound formed for silver and sulfur?

The compound formed between silver and sulfur is silver sulfide, which has the chemical formula Ag2S. It is a dark-colored compound that forms naturally as a mineral called acanthite.

What is the compound of silver and sulfur?

The compound of silver and sulfur is silver sulfide, with the chemical formula Ag2S. It is a black solid that forms when silver reacts with sulfur in the presence of heat or as a result of chemical reactions. Silver sulfide is often found in nature as a mineral called acanthite.

When silver metal comes in contact with sulfur silver sulfide forms and the silver appears darker what is this?

This is a chemical reaction where silver metal reacts with sulfur in the air to form silver sulfide. The silver sulfide appears as a darker tarnish on the surface of the silver metal due to the formation of the compound.

What is a Black compound of silver and sulfur?

Silver sulfide (Ag2S) is a black compound that forms when silver reacts with sulfur. It is commonly found in tarnished silver objects.

What is the combination of silver and sulfur?

The combination of silver and sulfur forms silver sulfide (Ag2S), a black compound commonly known as tarnish on silver objects. This reaction occurs when silver comes into contact with sulfur-containing compounds in the environment, such as hydrogen sulfide gas in the air.

Silver react with H2S but not with HCL why?

Silver reacts with hydrogen sulfide (H2S) to form silver sulfide (Ag2S), but does not react with hydrochloric acid (HCl) because silver is more reactive with sulfur than with chlorine. The reaction of silver with H2S is a precipitation reaction that forms a solid silver sulfide, while HCl does not produce a reaction with silver as it is a weaker oxidizing agent compared to sulfur.

What ion does sulfur have?

Sulfur typically forms a -2 ion, known as sulfide (S2-).

What compound is formed with copper and sulfur?

Copper sulfide is the compound formed when copper reacts with sulfur. Depending on the ratio of copper to sulfur, different forms of copper sulfide can be formed, such as Cu2S and CuS.