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Q: Small bump on the inside of my nose and it hurts to touch and it's been there for a couple days what does it mean?
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Is your computer overheating if it hurts to touch it?

A computer should not be so hot that it hurts to touch it.

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It burns a lot and swells. The swelling doesn't go down for a couple of days and it hurts to the touch. And you don't feel it as much.

Your skin hurts to touch like it has been burnt?

I have the same problem from time to time, but I don't know why it hurts...

What does it mean when you make a fist or touch your knuckle and it hurts?

It is sleep

What is it when you have a bump on your leg that is filled with puss and it hurts when you touch it?

A boil.

When your head burns on left side and it hurts bad when i touch it?

Touch it on the right side, it's out of balance.

Left nostril swollen on the outside of my face and redness on left face and painfull inside of nostril and hurts when I touch my nose today is day3 with this pain Please help.?

did u get punched in the face??

Why does The right side of your head and face hurts when you touch it?

sinus infection ?

Why do you hurt all over?

You prolably dont hurt it is the finger and it hurts when you touch it.

What could it be if you have a bump on the lower base of your head it is located on the left side and it hurts to touch and it hurts to move my head as well as smile?

did you hit your head? ....

I have a red patch on my hairline on my head it hurts when I touch it. It is also kinda big. What is it?

The red patch on your hairline that hurts is most probably a bacterial infection.

What does it means when there is a sharp burning pain in your knee when you touch a certain spot?

well if you touch softly and it hurts or when you walk on it, it can be sprained or broken