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Fog or clouds.

when they collide they grow in size and becomes rain.

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Q: Small droplets of condensed air moisture?
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What is condensed water droplets held suspended in the air?

What is the condensed water droplets in tha air

What forms droplets?

Condensed water vapour in the air

What is moisture in the air called?

Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapour and then be heavy enough to fall, under gravity.

What is the moisture in the air?

Answerevaporated water, or humidity.

What is a cloud and how is it formed?

Clouds are condensed particles of moisture in the air. Basically, they are formed when water droplets evaporate are are pushed into the air by a mountain until they get to a certain point (called the condensation point) where the air temperature drops and they condense to form clouds.

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What does dew mean?

Water droplets condensed from the air, usually at night, onto cool surfaces

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Moisture (water droplets) is saturating the air when the weather is humid.

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Why do we see water droplets on the outer surface of a glass containing ice-cold water?

That is because warm air outside the glass contains moisture and that moisture condenses on cold surfaces since cold air on the glass surface cannot hold as much moisture as warm air. It is the same effect as fog on the bathroom mirror after running a hot shower.

Why do your air conditioner coils have frost on them?

It is due to condensation of moisture/water vapour/droplets in air/atmosphere

Is car air conditioner white vapor harmful?

The white vapor that you see usually appears when the air out and inside of the car are both very humid. When you turn on the A/C, it blasts out very cold air. In air that it has cooled, the high moisture content of that air has been condensed into droplets of water making the mist or fog.