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Q: Snob appeal advertisements are designed to make the product being advertised?
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Snob-appeal advertisements are designed to make the product being advertised?

symbolize superiority. apex;D

What do snob-appeal advertisements want the product being advertised to become?

status symbol

Snob-appeal advertisements try to make the product being advertised seem like a?

status symbol.

Snob-appeal advertisements try to make the product being advertised seem like an?

status symbol.

Snob-appeal advertisements are able to persuade audience members to buy the advertised product when?

They persuade people because the audience members want to feel superior to others.

Direct appeal and indirect appeal?

when the use of a particular product's need is emphasized and that product is advertised in the advertisement by praising that product or trademark or the brand than it is called as direct appeal.

What kinds of desires are snob-appeal advertisements designed to meet?

the desire to be better than other people

What is a testimonial appeal?

A testimonial appeal is one way for advertising to bring in customers by using satisfied customers in advertisements and ads to show how well and great their product is

An advertising technique that makes the audience think the product advertised is the best money can buy and only for some people is called _____.?


What is an example of false image appeal?

False image appeal is when a viewer is essentially tricked into thinking a product will give you results that you see. An example would be mascara product commercials; most of the time the actors are wearing false eyelashes instead of the mascara being advertised.

What are the clippings of advertisements that illustrate the five significant traits of language?

Advertisements use language in order to appeal to a demographic.

What is scientific evidence appeal of advertisements?

its commercaisl that have like charts and graphs stuff like that