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eating disorders are a type a social issue and as you can tell with the title it effects a diet

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Q: Social issues that could affect your diet?
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Can your diet affect your sleep?

yeah it could you may get hungry at night

How does socioeconomic status affect balance diet?

Poorer people have unbalanced diet. Rich people have a more balanced diet. So poor individuals face health issues due to socioeconomic status.

Is social change the same as living conditions?

The expression "living conditions" describes the circumstances in which people live, - this would include housing, sanitation, diet, employment and social influences. "Social change" refers to change in society and how this affects individuals within the society. Social change could affect living conditions, but these are entirely different terms.

What type of diet should I go on for weight loss?

The best diet for one person may not be the best for another. Having medical issues may affect the type of diet and exercise you should use. Consult your doctor for the best diet plan and exercise regimen for you.

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The common cause for women spotting between periods is a hormonal imbalance. However, it could have to do with weight issues, diet issues, and fatigue as well.

Does your gender affect your diet?

no, but it does affect your matabolism

How do diets affect people emotionally?

it depends how u change your diet it could have many good affects and some bad ones it depends how u change your diet it could have many good affects and some bad ones

Can a diet change reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke?

Diet is a factor in many cardiac issues. By including an exercise regimen as well as diet, you could greatly reduce your risks of these conditions. However, keep in mind that there are going to be risks because of your family history even with an improved diet.

Does Diet Coke affect your metabolism?

The term Diet is what usually draws people's attentions to diet sodas such as Diet Coke. However, you may want to consider that Diet Coke does affect your metabolism, and not in a good way. It can slow your body down and give you a feeling of sluggishness that will adversely affect what you are trying to do to increase your metabolism.

How does peer pressure affect your diet?

Peer pressure can affect someone's diet either negatively or positively. The person could feel like they must eat similar foods as their friends do or drink as they do. Also peer pressure in other areas can cause someone to stress eat.

Why is my acne so bad?

We don’t know you, but if you aren’t washing your face everyday that could be a cause. Your diet will also affect skin quality.

What are some health issues from to many carbohydrates in a diet?
