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Q: Sodium metal and iodine vapor form what?
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Can rubidium react with iodine?

Yes. Rubidium is an alkali metal in the sodium group. It will react with iodine to form rubidium iodide:- 2Rb+ I2 -> 2RbI

What type of bond would you expect sodium and iodine to make with each other?

Because sodium is a Group 1 metal and iodine is a Group 17 nonmetal, they will form an ionic bond to form the ionic compound NaI, called sodium iodide. The sodium atom will lose one electron to the iodine atom, forming a Na+ ion and an I- ion. The ions of opposite charge will form an electrostatic attraction called an ionic bond.

What alkali metal is used in street lights?

Sodium (chem symbol = Na) Mercury vapor is also used in street lights. Low pressure sodium vapor street lights are amber/yellow in color, high pressure sodium lights are white and mercury vapor lights glow blueish white.

Is iodine a metal or non-metal and what ion does it form?

Iodine is a nonmetal and it forms the iodide ion, I-.

Combination reaction of NA plus I2?

When sodium metal is combined with iodine gas, an oxidation-reduction reaction occurs. Sodium loses and electron to form the sodium cation, and iodide gains an electron to form iodide. The resulting compound is NaI.

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what does sodium metal and choline gas react to form

What is a dark grey solid that sublimes to form a violet vapor?

The substance you are describing is likely iodine. Iodine is a dark grey solid that can sublime directly from a solid to a vapor without going through the liquid state. When iodine sublimes, it forms a violet vapor.

What 2 elements are mixed to form sodium iodide?

Sodium iodide has the chemical formula NaI - it is composed from sodium and iodine.

What is the obtained form of iodine?

Iodine (I), sodium iodide (NaI), potassium iodide (KI), hydroiodic acid (HI)

Is Iodine a metal or nonmetal?

Iodine is a nonmetal but it can be found in solid forms. Iodine experiences sublimation which is the transition from solid to gas, therefore it skips the liquid form.

What type bond would atoms Sodium and Nitrogen form?

Since Sodium is metal and Nitrogen is Non-Metal, hence Metal and Non-Metal bond will form an Ionic Bond

What metal is inside halite?

Sodium. Halite, or rock salt, is the mineral form of sodium chloride. Of the two elements, sodium is a metal.