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Molecules preform a few functions. The most important function is to layer the cells.

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1w ago

These molecules on the capsids of viruses can help facilitate attachment to host cells, allowing the virus to infect the cell. They may also play a role in determining host specificity and tissue tropism. Additionally, these molecules can help evade the immune system by masking the virus from detection.

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8y ago

they help the virus attach to host celle

Gradpoint/novanet ;)

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12y ago

passing on traits

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7y ago

They help the virus attach to host cells.

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Q: Some viruses have special molecules on their capsids. what function do these molecules perform?
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What are the special proteins that can break large molecules into small molecules?

Enzymes are the special proteins that can break down large molecules into smaller molecules. These biological catalysts speed up chemical reactions in cells by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur.

What is the name of the special molecules in gum?

The special molecules responsible for giving gum its chewy texture are called polymers. These long chains of molecules are typically made from synthetic rubbers or natural substances like latex or chicle.

What makes osmosis a special kind of diffusion?

Osmosis is a special type of diffusion that involves the movement of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane. It occurs in response to concentration gradients, where water flows from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration. Unlike regular diffusion, osmosis specifically refers to the movement of water molecules.

What do carbons special bonding ability allow carbon to do?

Carbon's special bonding ability allows it to form a wide variety of molecules with different shapes and sizes, giving rise to the diversity seen in organic compounds. This ability allows carbon to create complex structures, such as long chains, rings, and branches, which are essential for the formation of biological molecules like proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. Carbon's bonding versatility also enables it to form strong covalent bonds with other elements, contributing to the stability and structural integrity of these molecules.

What channel is used in osmosis?

In osmosis, water molecules move across a semi-permeable membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. This movement occurs through special channels called aquaporins, which allow water molecules to pass through the membrane.

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it is similar organs working together to preform a common function

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