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Q: Sound is to slience as effective is to?
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What ia Art?

Art is sound or slience

Who wrote the novel for slience of the lambs?

Thomas Harris

What does the french slience mean in English?

It means- Silence

What analogy has the same comparison as commotion is to quiet?

Ruckus is to silence.

Why do Quakers pray in slience?

Quakers believe that it is trough silence that the Holy Spirit is heard and is given the chance to speak.

Why do you hold a 2 minutes of slience?

To honor and remember all the loved and missed soldiers that died to save our country in world wars.

What are the most silent guns?

With an effective sound suppressor and subsonic ammunition, the only sound you hear is the slide moving.

Warnings signs of anger on the human body?

Physical signs of anger can include increased heart rate, clenched jaw or fists, flushed face, and rapid breathing. Additionally, individuals may exhibit tensed muscles, heightened aggression, or a desire to confront or retaliate. It's important to recognize these signs and address them appropriately to prevent escalation.

Is a fire alarm a low volume and low pitch sound?

No, it were it would not be effective!

What does effective communication sound like?

When a couple actually understands what the other is talking about. :)

What effects speed and sound wave?

It is the medium, which is usually air and it is the temperature. Look at the Link: "Speed of Sound in Air and the effective Temperature".

What is a cockatoo sound?

Cockatoos make a loud screeching sound. They are also effective imitators of human speech and whistling.