

Sound waves travel faster through what?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: Sound waves travel faster through what?
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Do sound waves travel faster threw liquid or solid?

They travel faster through solids

Waves travel faster through liquids and solids?


Why do sound waves travel faster through iron than air?

Iron is denser than air. Waves travel faster through denser medium.

Does waves travel through solids or liquids faster?

Sound waves travel faster through denser media, like solids, because the molecules are closer together, making it easier to pass the sound from molecule to molecule. Light and other electromagnetic waves travel faster through less dense media, and they travel fastest through a vacuum.

Does sound travel through solids or gases faster?

Sound travels faster through solids because, molecules in solids are much closer together so this allows sound waves to travel faster.

What waves travel faster through liquids and solids?

Sound waves, being longitudinal in nature, travels faster in liquids and solids.

What happens when a sound wave travels through a medium?

Sound waves travel through any medium with the exception of vacuum. The denser the medium, the faster the sound waves travel, because the waves can be farther apart..

What medium sound waves travel through?

Sound waves can travel through any matter- liquid, gas or solids. The denser the matter, the faster the sound travels. It cannot travel through vacuum- a vacuum is an absence of matter.

Do sound waves or light waves travel faster?

In air, light waves travel about 871 thousand times faster than sound waves.

In what medium does sound travel fastest - solid -liquid - or gas?

Sound waves travel fastest through solids. *Generally, sound waves travel faster as the density of the transmission medium increases.

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sound waves

Sound waves travels faster through what state of matter?

They travel fastest through air.