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Q: South Africans have many guaranteed by their constitution?
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About 5.1 million South Africans

Are south africans welcome to Australia?

Many south Afrians have made their home in Australia.

How many fundamental rights are there now guaranteed under the constitution of India?

six i think

How many South Africans live in Perth?

Over 80,000

In what country is Afrikaans spoken?

The afrikaners. White South Africans. But it is also spoken as by the coloured (not black) communities and as a second or third language by many black south africans

How many south africans living in Auckland in 2011?

Forty thousand

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How many south Africans live in grand cayman?

Close to 6,000

Why do South Africans speak like they do?

South Africans speak in many different ways. There are 11 official languages and many other languages too. Like any country, there are different accents in different parts of it. So put all of these factors together and it is natural that there will be many ways that South Africans speak that have developed over centuries.

Why did South Africans migrate to New Zealand?

South Africans have problems... well us white South Africans atleast.... The Native Africans(blacks) dont want us in what they call "their country" so they move out.... Just greet them with a smile:) we're quite friendly actually;) Penis - Conrad + Bianca - Vigina