

Spotting red blood

Updated: 9/14/2023
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Spotting red blood before period?

Brownish then after few hours light bright red blood

Brown spotting after cvs?

Very common. Brown blood is old blood and should not be too concerning. If you begin spotting red blood or experience cramping you should contact your OB.

5 weeks and spotting is brownish and now reddish?

It could be impantation spotting. If you had sex within a day of the spotting starting it could be from the cervix. However if it is changing to red you need to go to see a doctor asap, and make sure your not having a miscarriage. When I was first pregnant with my baby I had spotting without sex and it was from implantation but it was brown blood which is old blood. Red blood is fresh blood!! Good luck.

Is red spotting common early pregnancy?

Spotting in gernal is very common in early pregnany. As the new baby pushes itself into the blood lining of the uterus, the extra blood sometimes comes out in spotting or a very light period

Is a small amount of drainage on underwear the same as spotting?

no. spotting is when you have a light shade of pink to red color in blood. it is normal to have dishcharge that really has no color

Is light red period blood a sign of pregnancy?

Light red period blood is a sign of a period. Spotting may be a sign of an implantation bleed if very minor.

Your period is down but you only see blood when you wipe yourself?

Is the blood red or like a brownish color???? because if its brown you are spotting and its not your period

Is it normal having spotting during twins pregnancy?

Spotting is OK But anything dark red and very blood can be cause for concern. If you are having a lot of blood and a lot of cramping you should probably go see your doctor asap!

Red blood spotting at 13 weeks pregnant but only after sex should i worry?

You don't have to worry about spotting. You should worry about a heavy flow. You should also talk to your doctor.

When you start your period if you have brown spotting do you count that as the first day of your cycle or do you wait till you see bright red blood?

any sort of spotting either before or after is considered to be your period.

What does having discharge and spotting mean?

Discharge can mean many things, but in the healthcare field, when used in conjunction with the term spotting, it usually refers to vaginal discharge and spotting. This means to find fluids or substance coming from the vagina that differ from the usual in amount, smell, appearance, thickness, color, etc. Spotting usually refers to small amounts of blood--bright red or darker as in dried blood.

You have been spotting brownish blood for the 2nd 3rd week on and off after conception and today you had light red blood Am you going to Miscarry?

only if the bleeding continues to getr heavier