

State the nature of ammonia

Updated: 9/13/2023
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11y ago

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Ammonia is basic in nature because on reacting dry ammonia with moist red lidmus paper it turns it blue.

it is basic mainly because nitrogen in ammonia has a lone pair of electron when it forms a covalent bond with Hydrogen

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Q: State the nature of ammonia
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Is ammonia basic or acidic in nature?

In nature it is found as a base.

What is the nature of ammonia?

Ammonia is a gas at room temperature which has an irritating odor. It is highly soluble in water, in other words 702 mL of ammonia can be dissolved in 1 mL of water. Inhaling larger doses of ammonia will be fatal.

What is the nature of all bases?

nature of all the bases is that they are odourless (except ammonia),colourless and are also soluble in water

What is the colour of blue litmus paper in ammonia?

The color of blue litmus in ammonia will remain to be blue . However the color of red litmus will change into blue. This is because of the basic nature of ammonia.

What state is ammonia?

IN pure form at room temperature ammonia is a gas. However, household ammonia is sold in the form of an aqueous solution.

What is the chemical forumula for ammonia and oxygen?

Ammonia is NH3 Elemental oxygen, which is diatomic in nature, is O2 However, an oxygen anion is O-2

Why NH3 is basic in nature?

Because ammonia will, weakly, accept protons in solution.

Does ice have ammonia?

No. Ice is simply water in its solid state. Ammonia is a completely different substance.

What state is ammonia at room temperature?

Its a gaseous compound.

How does pure ammonia and household ammonia differ?

Ammonia in its pure state is a single molecule (NH3) which, depending on pressure, can be either a liquid or a gas. Household ammonia (aqua ammonia) is a solution of ammonia in water which is usually described as NH4OH or as its componest ions NH4+ and OH- If you had pure ammonia in a container (as a liquid) it would rapidly change to ammonia gas. An ammonia solution (household ammonia) is much more stable.

Does ammonia react with aluminum oxide?

Yes ammonia can react with aluminum oxide. Aluminum oxide is ampoteric, that is, it shows both acidic and basic characters. Ammonia is basic in nature, so there will be a reaction between acidic and basic chemicals.

How is ammonia or found in nature?

i dont know i need help too! Plz help..... some1:<