

Statute miles vs miles

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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They are identical terms for the same unit of measurement. A mile, as we know it today, is 5,280 feet. The difference between a mile and a statute mile is historical, rather than practical. Many hundreds of years ago, a mile meant different things to different people. It became necessary, eventually, for a mile to be the same distance for all concerned. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, a statute was passed by the English Parliament that standardized the measurement of a mile, thus giving rise to the term 'statute' mile. The measurement of a mile at 5,280 feet is now accepted almost everywhere in the world.

The mile is based on the old Roman unit of distance equal to one thousand, mil, paces (a pace is two steps). Stones were placed every mil along roads to indicate the distance to Rome, thus the term milestones, and the saying "All roads lead to Rome."

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