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Ocean trenches and Island arcs.

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Subduction continental crust forms

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Volcanic mountain ranges.

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Q: Subduction of oceanic crust at a continental margin creates .?
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What boundary is it called when an oceanic plate descends beneath a continental plate?

It's called destructive plate margin/boundary, or convergent plate margin though this term applies to all plate margins where two plates are moving towards each other (such as continental + continental or oceanic + oceanic).

What does the passive continental margin have that the active margin does not?

Subduction. A subduction trench.

What does a continental margin have that an active margin does not?

Subduction. A subduction trench.

What does a active continental margin have that a passive margin does not?

Subduction. A subduction trench.

A passive continental margin has a while an active margin does not.?

An active continental margin may have a trench.

What is a subduction zon as it relates to earth science?

A subduction zone is a place at the margin of a continent where the neighbouring oceanic plate is 'subducted'. That is, the oceanic plate, moving toward the continental plate, goes down into the mantle because it is heavier than the continental plate. Subduction zones typically cause deep ocean trenches.

Where oceanic crust collides with continental crust is the?

This type of plate boundary is a convergent boundary where subduction of the denser oceanic slab into the mantle will occur. Because of this it may also be called a destructive margin.

What does the continental margin consist of?

The continental margin is the zone of ocean floor that separates oceanic crust and continental crust. It accounts for 28% of all oceanic area.

Subduction of oceanic lithosphere under a continental block gives rise to what type of geologic structure that is characterized by a continental volcanic arc and associated igneous plutons?

andean-type plate margin

What is continental margin?

The continental margin is the zone of the ocean floor that separates the thin oceanic crust from thick continental crust.

What is the boundary between the oceanic crust and the continental crust known as?

Continental margin

The margin of a continent is the boundary between continental crust and?

oceanic crust