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Sublimation can occur because solids have enough thermal energy to transition directly into a gas without passing through the liquid phase. This process happens when the vapor pressure of the solid exceeds the atmospheric pressure.

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Q: Sublimation can occur because solids like liquids have a?
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What are the state changes when solids and liquids become gas?

When solids become gas, the process is called sublimation, where the solid turns directly into a gas without passing through the liquid phase. When liquids become gas, it is called vaporization, which can occur through evaporation (at the surface) or boiling (throughout the liquid).

Do liquids and solids diffuse easily?

No, liquids and solids do not diffuse as easily as gases due to their tightly packed molecular structure and lower kinetic energy. Diffusion in liquids is generally slower than in gases, but it can still occur over time. In solids, diffusion is even slower due to the rigid arrangement of molecules.

Can all liquids become a solid?

Nope. There are some solids that go directly into the gas phase. Such a process is called sublimation. ans2 No. Some solids chemically decompose when heated. You can't get liquid wood. Some solids turn directly into a gas when heated at standard atmospheric pressure. An example of this is dry ice. I believe that some solids, do not ask me but this is a theory that I can't prove, but some solids have such a high melting point that if heated to its melting point the molicules will become so unstable that the solid would accualy blow up before the period of melting can occur. Although have fun trying to find something on earth that can reach that heat output. One example that comes to mind is diamond. I do not believe diamond has ever melted? Correct me if im wrong.

What process could make a snowbank colder deposition or sublimation?

Sublimation would make a snowbank colder because it directly changes solid snow into vapor without passing through the liquid phase, leading to a cooling effect. Deposition is the opposite process and would not make the snowbank colder, as it involves vapor turning directly into solid without releasing latent heat.

Will sublimation occur for all substances if the pressure is correct?

Sublimation is the process where a substance transitions directly from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid state. This can occur for all substances if the pressure and temperature conditions are correct for that particular substance.

Related questions

Sublimation can occur because solids like liquids have?

Vapor pressure

Why does conduction occurs more easily in solids and liquids than in solids?

Conduction is the transfer of heat by direct contact. It is more likely to occur in soilds and liquids because the particles are closer and move slower.

What are the three states does matter occur?

Solids, liquids, and gasses

Does diffusion occur slow or fast?

Gases, Liquids, and then Solids.

Does radiation happen in solids liquids or gases?

Radiation can occur in all three states of matter - solids, liquids, and gases. It is a form of energy transfer that does not require a medium. Radiation can travel through solids, liquids, and gases as electromagnetic waves or particles.

Why does conduction occur more easily in solids and liquids than in gases?

Conduction is the transfer of heat by direct contact. It is more likely to occur in soilds and liquids because the particles are closer and move slower.

Does conduction only occur between solids?

No, conduction can occur in solids, liquids, and gases. In solids, conduction happens through direct contact between particles. In liquids and gases, it occurs through the transfer of heat energy by the movement of particles.

Do liquids and solids diffuse easily?

No, liquids and solids do not diffuse as easily as gases due to their tightly packed molecular structure and lower kinetic energy. Diffusion in liquids is generally slower than in gases, but it can still occur over time. In solids, diffusion is even slower due to the rigid arrangement of molecules.

What state of matter does conduction occur in?

All three, solid liquid and gas.

Why does conduction occur mainly in solids?

Conduction occurs mainly in solids because their particles are closely packed together, allowing for transfer of heat energy by direct contact between particles. Liquids and gases have molecules that are more spread out, which hinders efficient transfer of energy through conduction.

Can Conduction take place in a liquid?

Yes, conduction can occur in liquids. In liquids, energy is transferred through collisions between neighboring molecules, similar to solids. However, liquids are generally poorer conductors compared to solids due to their less organized structure.

Heat convection occurs in gases and liquids Heat convection does not occur in solids because solids are unable to?

move and transfer heat through bulk motion like gases and liquids. Heat conduction is the primary mode of heat transfer in solids, where energy is transferred through the vibration and collision of atoms and molecules within the solid material.