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Cirrus cloud

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Shane semsem

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Q: Swirling wisps of high ice crystals are?
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How are clouds made up of ice crystals?

The high atmosphere is very cold. so as soon as a gas cloud touches the high atmosphere it turns into a ice crystals.

Is there ice on the planet Uranus?

there are trace ice crystals in the atmosphere swirling around faster then an F5 tornado but uranus has no solid surface and its core would be to hot so the question is yes it does have ice in atmosphere but not on the surface as it has none its a gas giant

Why are clouds made of ice crystals rather than drops of water?

Many clouds are made up of ice crystals because they are at high altitudes. The higher the altitude, the colder the temperature. Cirrus clouds are primarily made out of ice crystals, since they are located high in the atmosphere.

High clouds made of ice crystals are called?

Cirrus clouds.

A high thin cloud made up of ice crystals?


High level clouds that are mainly composed of ice crystals?

Cirrus clouds are high-level clouds that are mainly composed of ice crystals. These wispy clouds form at altitudes of 20,000 feet or higher and are often indicators of fair weather. Cirrus clouds are thin and feathery in appearance, giving the sky a streaked or wispy look.

What are clouds mostly of ice crystals that form high above earth?


High clouds made of ice crystals are what clouds?

i dont know xD

What high altitude cloud are made up of ice crystals?

This is because at those high altitudes, the air is too cold for water to stay as water, so the rising water vapor freezes into ice crystals, to form cirrus clouds, which are wispy because of ice.

Does swirling ice in a drink make the drink colder or just melt the ice faster?

Swirling ice in a drink can make the drink colder but it may also melt the ice faster due to increased surface contact with the liquid. The swirling motion helps distribute the coldness from the ice more evenly throughout the drink.

What is the weather phenomenon known as Sundog?

I believe it is from ice crystals at very high altitudes.

Which type of clouds are high feathery clouds made up of ice crystals?
