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the relationship is that the anemone is dangerous to other fish but the clown fish is immune to its shocks so the anemone houses the clown fish and it eats the clown fish's waste

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The anemone is used for protection.


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12y ago

An unstable one, probably ending in recriminations with the anemone going back to its mother and the clown fish becoming an alcoholic.

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12y ago

the clownfish lives in the anemone,while the clownfish leaves off food scraps for the anemone.

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7y ago

The sea anemone helps the clown fish stay away from predators and the clown fish help the sea anenome to breathe

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15y ago

Clown fish live in sea anemones

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Q: Relationship between the clown fish and the sea anemone?
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How can clown fish and anemone live together?

The symbiotic relationship between the damselfish and the sea anenomie is that the anenomie provides protection for the damselfish because of the poisonous nature of the anenomie that the damselfish is immune to, and at the same time the damselfish helps provide a food source for the anenomie due to food scraps the damselfish leaves behind.

Why do clown fish live in anemones?

Not usually. Clown fish are immune to anemones and actually live in them and use them for protection. They also eat scraps of food that the anemone missed. If the layer of mucus that coats these fish is damaged or compromised, however, they can actually be stung and even killed/eaten. This can also happen when the fish come in first contact with an anemone. If clownfish are removed from an anemone they were previously accustomed to for extended periods, they can lose that immunity and be stung and potentially eaten. hi

Clown fish see anemone?

Simple: Most sea predators can be affected by the Anemone Poison! The clown fish can pass trough it without repercussions! It provides a perfect 'hiding place' for the clown fish for when the PREDATORS arrive!!!!!

What type of food does a clown fish eat?

In the wild they eat the leftovers from their adopted anemone, in captivity they eat fish food.

What adaptations do a clown fish have for survival?

Clownfish live in symbiosis with the Sea Anemone. The Clownfish leaves waste for the Anemone to feed on while the Anemone shelters it from predators. The most predominant adaptation a Clownfish has is its ability in immunity to Anemone stings, thusly, the mutualism.

Related questions

Is the relationship between the clown fish and sea anemone a symbiocis relationship?

is the relationship between the clown fish and sea anemone

What is the relationship between clown fish and sea anemone?

The anemone will protect a clownfish, the only fish that the anemone will not sting.

What is an example oft the clown fish and sea anemone?

The relation ship between the anemone and the clown fish is called a symbiotic relationship.

What is the relationship between a clown fish and a sea anemone?


What is the symbiotic relationship is between clown fish and sea anemone?

The anemone will protect a clownfish, the only fish that the anemone will not sting.

The relationship between a sea anemone and a clown fish is neutralism mutualism parasitism commensalism clown fish?


Why is mutualism helpful relationship?

In a mutual relationship, both creatures benefit from the relationship. An example would be a clown fish and an anemone, the anemone provides protection for the clown fish, and the clown fish cleans the anemone and attracts prey for the anemone to eat. This is why mutualism could be described as a helpful relationship.

What type of relationship exists between the clownfish and the sea anemone?

Symbiosis is demonstrated by the clown fish being protected by the anemone's stinging tentacles from predatory fish. The anemone is protected by the teratorial clown fish from anemone-eating fish. The clown fish has a mucus on its body that keeps the anemone from stinging it and becoming a food source. They protect each other in a near perfect symbiotic relationship.

What is the symbiotic relationship clown fish and sea anemone?

The relationship of the clown fish and sea anemone is symbiotic in that the clownfish, having a coating of mucous that makes it immune to the anemone's deadly sting, can swim in safety in the anemone's tentacles, meanwhile attracting other fish as food for the anemone.

How do clownfish help sea anemone?

By cleaning it and sometimes also by attracting passively other fishes.

Symbiotic relationships in the ocean?

Clown fish and sea anemone; the clown fish isn't stung by the anemone and makes its home in the anemone while when the clown fish is eating the anemone gets all the leftovers

The disadvantages of the symbiotic relationship between a clownfish and a sea anemone?

There are no disadvantages, but the only thing is that the sea anemone might make the clown fish get stuck in its grass-like things