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Q: Take That - how did they get their name?
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Can you take a blessed as your name in confirmation?

Yes you may take the name of a Blessed.

If your last name is smith and your wife's name is brown do your children automatically have your last name or can you choose either or a hyphenated name?

at the wedding, the married couple could take either name. its more traditionally to take the mans name, but you can also take the womans if you wanted to.

How long did it take Mary to name Jesus?

she did not name him

Can your girlfriend take your name of the lease if both names where on the lease?

No one can take your name off of your lease but you

What do you take everywhere with you?

Your Name

The name of take that's first album?

take that and party

How long does it take to adjust to a new name?

The time it takes to adjust to a new name can vary depending on the individual and how often the new name is used. Some people may adjust quickly, while others may take more time. Generally, it can take weeks to months for a person to fully adapt to and feel comfortable with a new name.

Do you have to take a mans last name?

No, there is no legal requirement to take a man's last name after marriage. It is a personal choice and there are no rules dictating what you must do. Many couples choose to keep their own last names or hyphenate, while some opt for one partner to take the other's last name.

What is take 5?

It means to take a brake It is also the name of a magazine.

What is the other name for scene?


Name something you take out?


What is a Name for a shape that land can take?

Topography is the name for the shape that land can take, including features such as mountains, valleys, and plateaus.