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In the book "Tears of a Tiger" by Sharon Draper, Andy and Rob's friendship began when Andy was assigned as Rob's lab partner in chemistry class. Over time, they began to bond over shared experiences and interests, such as Basketball. Their friendship deepened as they supported each other through difficult times, including coping with the aftermath of a tragic car accident.

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Q: How did Andy and Robs friendship begin in tears of a tiger?
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Who is Andy in the book tears of a tiger?

Keisha is Andy's girlfriend.

Why a tiger to represent Andy in Tears of a Tiger?

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In the book "Tears of a Tiger" by Sharon M. Draper, Andy states that he likes math as an academic subject.

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Monty's last words to Andy in the book Tears of a Tiger by Camren Griggs, mean that Monty wants all the best for Andy.

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Andy begins to wonder if Rob is Cold Tears of Tiger because he notices similarities between the two in terms of their writing style and the themes they explore in their poetry. Additionally, Rob's mysterious disappearance and the enigmatic nature of his persona add to Andy's speculation about their possible connection.

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