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This is a trick question because at absolute zero you could not have 'air.' Air is composed of gasses, mostly Nitrogen and Oxygen with some Carbon dioxide and other gasses mixed in. All of these gasses turn to liquid at low temperatures, and probably crystalize at absolute zero. In an atmosphere such as Neptune they would fall out as snowflakes onto a sea of Methane or some other super cold liquid. In space they would clump together as in a comet's nucleus.

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Absolute zero is 0 kelvin or -273.15 Degrees C or -495.67 Degrees F.


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13y ago

-272 degrees Celsius

-459 degrees Fahrenheit;

ABSOLUTE ZERO is the point at which all molecular motion stops.

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-459.67F or -273.15C

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Q: Temperature of the air at absolute zero?
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The impossibility of reaching a temperature of absolute zero is incorporated in?

The Third Law of Thermodynamics."Absolute zero (0 K) is the lower limit of temperature. The temperature of absolute zero cannot be attained physically because to do so would require virtually all the heat to be taken from an object. Therefore, it is impossible to attain a temperature of absolute zero."

What is significant about the temperature absolute zero?

The most significant thing about the temperature of absolute zero is that is marks the point where molecular motion stops. It is equal to −459.67 degrees Fahrenheit.

The kelvin scale is used to measure what?

The Kelvin scale is used to measure absolute temperature, i.e., temperature from absolute zero. The way it is defined, there are no negative temperatures on the Kelvin scale.The Kelvin scale is used to measure absolute temperature, i.e., temperature from absolute zero. The way it is defined, there are no negative temperatures on the Kelvin scale.The Kelvin scale is used to measure absolute temperature, i.e., temperature from absolute zero. The way it is defined, there are no negative temperatures on the Kelvin scale.The Kelvin scale is used to measure absolute temperature, i.e., temperature from absolute zero. The way it is defined, there are no negative temperatures on the Kelvin scale.

What is a good sentence for temperature?

Absolute Zero is the temperature at which everything - even atoms - freezes.

What occurs at theoretical temperature of absolute zero?

# No real substances are gaseous at temperatures near absolute zero; # Absolute zero cannot be physically achieved (though we can get pretty close). Taken together they make the question irrelevant to any real situation.

Related questions

Is zero degrees Kelvin absolute temperature?

It is absolute zero.

What is the temperature at which all molecular motion stops?

This is called absolute zero. The temperature is 0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius.

Celsiuswhat is temperature for 7o blow zero?

7o-800o7o-800oIt is absolute zero, the temperature where there is zero energy and zero entropy. This temperature is unobservable.Absolute zero is the coldest theoretical temperature; the temperature at which all subatomic movement is zero.Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature (zero kelvin). Absolute temperature is the temperature, measured from absolute zero - in other words, any temperature, measured (usually) on the kelvin scale.7o7oNo, there is none at all. The wind can blow very strongly or not at all when the temperature is below zero. Similarly, you can have a strong, hot wind, or very calm and hot weather.what is the temperature when the height of air equals

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What scale shows absolute zero as zero?

Kelvin temperature scale uses absolute zero as the zero. Though you can find absolute zero in all temperature scales i.e. −459.67 degrees Fahrenheit and -273.15 degrees Celsius. But Kelvin is the scale that absolute zero is 0.

How do you use absolute zero in a sentence?

Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature at which particles have minimal kinetic energy. Scientists use absolute zero as a reference point when studying the behavior of materials at extremely cold temperatures. A sentence could be: Researchers aim to reach absolute zero in their experiments to observe quantum effects in matter.

What effects would lower the temperature at absolute zero have on brownian motion?

You cannot lower the temperature if you are at absolute zero.

What is the difference between kelvin and absolute kelvin?

Kelvin is the base unit of temperature in the International System of Units (SI), representing the same scale as Celsius but starting from absolute zero. Absolute zero is 0 Kelvin, the lowest possible temperature where molecular motion ceases. Absolute Kelvin is incorrect phrasing since Kelvin itself is already absolute.

Do molecules disappear at absolute zero?

No. They are as frozen still as they can ever be. It is said to be scientifically impossible to actually reach absolute zero.

What temperature scale includes absolute zero?

The Kelvin Scale contains absolute zero.

The lowest temperature a superconducter can work at?

0oK, or absolute zero is the lowest temperature. Superconductors have a critical temperature at which they begin to work, but it is the highest temperature, and they function as superconductors at any temperature lower, down to as close to absolute zero as they can be made to be (absolute zero is unachievable).

What is the coldest temperature in existence?

Absolute zero, around -270 C.See related link.