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The release of heat by the BREAKING of hydrogen bonds.

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Q: Temperature usually increases when water condenses Which behavior of water is most directly responsible for this phenomenon?
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Why do balloons expands when its temperature increases?

Balloons are filled with gas and gas expands when temperature increases. Gas also condenses when the temperature is lowered. This is due to Charles' law.

Which temperature phenomenon occurs when the troposphere gets hotter as altitude increases?

this is known as a temperature inversion

Does a thermometer's mercurry expand contract on condenses?

it expands and contracts when the temperature drops, the mercury contracts...when the temperature increases, the mercury expands

When the pressure of a gas increases at constant temperature its volume?

Temperature increases as pressure increases.

What is the dependent variable when the independent variable is temperature?

It is an observable phenomenon that changes in response to temperature. For example, if we raise the temperature of a metal wire, it will begin to emit radiation which increases in frequency as the temperature increases. The radiation frequency is the dependent variable here.In any event, you the experimenter determine which variables you wish to study. If you believe that but one variable might depend on temperature, be aware that's nonsense!

What is the relationship between temperature and solubility?

Generally, as temperature increases, the solubility of solids in liquids also increases. However, the solubility of gases in liquids usually decreases as temperature increases. This relationship is described by the principle known as Le Chatelier's Principle.

What kind of energy increases when temperature increases?

The kinetic energy of particles increases when temperature increases. This is because the particles move faster and collide more frequently at higher temperatures, leading to an overall increase in thermal energy.

As pressure increases temperature does what?

The temperature rises.

Why do the semiconductors have negative temperature coefficient whereas the metals have positive values?

Semiconductors: When temperature increases, more electrons jump to conduction band from valance bond. Hence resistance decreases. Metals: Already plenty of electrons are there in conduction band. When temperature increases, the electrons in conduction band of metal vibrate and collide each other during their journey. Hence the the resistance of metal increases with increase of temperature. S.Lakshminarayana

What will happen to the ability of a solid to dissolve in a liquid if the temperature increases?

It increases as the temperature increases.

What happens to the ability of a solid to dissolve in a liquid if the temperature increases?

It increases as the temperature increases.

How temperature affects pressure?

as pressure increases, temperature increases