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social contract theory

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monique robles

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Q: The seeds of the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution can be found in this theory of government?
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The Declaration of Independence started what war?

the American declaration of independence was a factor in starting the American Revolution.

Was it the Declaration of Independence that was signed during the American Revolution?

The Declarations of independence was signed before the American Revolution.

Why is the declaration of indepence an inspiration of the government?

The Declaration of Independence in 1776, the American Revolution, and the ... others convinced Americans to set up their own state and democratic government.

Which document listed the colonist grievances or reasons for the American revolution?

Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence was signed in what war?

The American Revolution or War of Independence.

The seeds of the Declaration of Independence and the American revolution can be found in who's theory of government?

John Locke famously known as the Father of Liberalism, is equally important to social contract theory. His contributions to the classical republicanism and liberal theory are reflected in American Declaration of Independence.

What battle was fought after the Declaration of Independence?

American Revolution

The seeds of the Declaration of Independence and the American revolution can be found in what theory of government?

The theory of Democracy or the rights of people to govern themselves.

What theory of government can the seeds of the declaration of independence and the American revolution can be found?

The theory of Democracy or the rights of people to govern themselves.

What did the Declaration of Independence do once it was signed?

It justified the American Revolution.

The declaration of independence took place in what war?

American revolution

What American document influenced the french revolution?

The Declaration of Independence.