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I'm pretty sure it's Michael Faraday.

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Michael faraday

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Michael Faraday

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Q: The Christian physicist who invented the generator was?
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Who invented electrostatic generator?

An electrostatic generator is a device which produces static electricity. Otto von Guericke, a German physicist, invented the first machine around 1663.

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Invented in 1929 by American physicist Rob. J. Van De Graaff

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Michael Faraday is credited with discovering the principles behind the dynamo and the generator in the early 19th century. His work led to the development of electric generators that form the basis of modern electrical power systems.

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None. The fission bomb was invented in 1933 by the physicist Leo Szilard. The staged fusion bomb was invented in 1949 by the mathematician Stan Ulam and the physicist Edward Teller.

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The modern wind generator was developed in the early 1980s by Danish engineers. Wind generators work by capturing the kinetic energy of the wind and converting it into mechanical power through the rotation of turbine blades, which then drives a generator to produce electricity.