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Q: The Free Soil party opposed the Wilmot Proviso true or false?
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Is it true that In the 1848 presidential campaign the Free-Soil Party promised to veto the Wilmot Proviso should Congress ever pass it?

No, it is not true. In the 1848 presidential campaign, the Free-Soil Party did not promise to veto the Wilmot Proviso. The Free-Soil Party was primarily concerned with opposing the expansion of slavery into the newly acquired territories, and while they supported the Wilmot Proviso, it did not explicitly promise a veto of the legislation.

What did the free soil party support?

They supported the Wilmot Proviso

What major political party was as a result of the wilmot proviso?

The Republican Party was formed

Is it true that In the 1848 presidential campaign the Free Soil Party promised to veto the Wilmot Proviso should Congress ever pass it?


What major political party formed as a result of the Wilmot Proviso?

The Republican Party was formed

Which political party was formed by the supporters of the Wilmot Proviso?

cool kats IMPROVEMENT The Whig party.

What major political pary was formed as a result of the Wilmot Proviso?

The Republican party.

What was the effect of the wilmot proviso?

The Wilmot Proviso was designed to outlaw slavery in territories acquired from the War of Mexico. One of the effects was a political party that became dedicated to stopping the spread of slavery.

What major party was formed as a result of Wilmot Proviso?

The Free Soil Party did with reservation and the republicans favored it.

Why did Northerners favor Wilmot Proviso and Southerners did not?

Northerners favored it because it banned slavery in the land obtained from Mexico, aka the Mexican Cession, thus making another step toward abolishing slavery. They supported this so much, that antislavery northerners created a new party, known as the Free- Soil Party, which supported the Wilmot Proviso. Southerners, however, opposed it, and wanted more land that allows slavery.

What ideas did the free-soil party promote?

The free soil party promoted the Wilmot Proviso. They were an anti-slavery group who essential promoted abolition.

What ideas did the free soil party promote?

The free soil party promoted the Wilmot Proviso. They were an anti-slavery group who essential promoted abolition.