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Mercury was Hermes in Greek mythology. Hermes/Mercury was the messenger god.

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Q: The Roman god Mercury was which god in Greek mythology?
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In Roman Mythology what did the god Mercury serve as?

In Roman mythology, the god "Mercury" is equivalent to Hermes in Greek mythology. He is the god of messengers and travelers. So he is the messenger of the gods.

What connections is mercury to mythology?

Mercury is the roman form of the greek god Hermes

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Yes, after the Roman god of war (mercury in Greek mythology)

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Hermes is from Greek Mythology and is the god of thieves and travelers. His Roman name is Mercury.

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Mercury/Hermes was the messenger of gods and was also the god of roads.

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Hermes, the God of Speed.the greek god of speed is Hermes. His name in roman mythology is Mercury.

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Hermes was the Greek messenger god. His Roman name was Mercury.

Is Mercury named after Apollo?

Mercury is not named after Apollo; it is actually named after the Roman god of mythology Mercury, who was the messenger of the gods. In Greek mythology, Mercury was known as Hermes.

In roman mythology who was the messenger of the gods?

Commonly, Jove or Jupiter's son Mercury (aka Hermes in Greek myth) was known to be a messenger for the gods. He was also the god of thievery and a variety of other things, including travel.

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In Roman Mythology, he is the son of goddess Venus and god Mercury. The Greek Mythology equivalent is Eros.

Where does the name of the planet of Mercury come from?

The name of the Roman god Mercury, who's Hermes in Greek mythology. Mercury was known as the messenger :)

What does mercurial mean in greek mythology?

Mercury was a god of Roman mythology. He's the equivalent of Hermes, the messenger of the gods and the god of travelers, thieves, etc. in Greek mythology. The word come from Mercury's name. It means lively or quickly changing.