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Q: The area where air masses meet and do not mix becomes a?
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Area where air masses meet and do not mix becomes a?


Area where 2 types of air masses meet?

A "front".

Area of low pressure where air masses meet and rise?

cyclone :)

What is it called when area of low pressure where air masses meet and rise?

It is called a frontal boundary or a front. This is where contrasting air masses with different temperatures and moisture levels meet, leading to the formation of low pressure and upward movement of air.

What is the place were two air masses of different temperatures or moisture content meet?

a front is a meeting place between two air masses

Lines on a weather map that join places with the same air pressure are called?

The boundary where air masses meet becomes a?

What is it called where two cool air masses meet?

when to air masses meet it's called a front.

How do air masses behave when they meet?

When air masses meet, they clash, creating weather events. The severity of the weather event depends on the size of the air masses and how fast each is moving.

What happens when warm air masses meet cold air masses?

A warm front forms.

What is the name of the area where two different air masses meet?

The cool air rises.

Where do air masses not form?

Air masses generally do not form over large bodies of water, such as oceans or seas, due to the lack of temperature variations that are necessary for their development. Instead, air masses typically form over land areas where there is greater contrast in temperature between day and night.

When warm air from a large body of water moves quickly into a land area of cold air we can expect to occur where the two air masses meet.?

A thunderstorm