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trial of piracies.

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Q: The article of confederation allows congress to appoint courts for what?
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The part of the constitution that allows the president to appoint a vice president when that office is vacant is found in?

Article Two of the United States Constitution

Who has the power to declare war what article and section of the constitution?

Article II, Section 8 allows for Congress to declare war; the President to wage war.

Granted by Article I of the Constitution this allows Congress to take any action they deem necessary and proper for the benefit of the country?

Elastic clause

The date congress convenes?

The US Constitution set the date for Congress to convene, but allows Congress to change it if it so desires The Twentieth Amendment states that Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall begin at noon on the 3rd day of January, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. The original date for convening had been the 3rd day of December, in Article 1, Section 4, Clause 2. The Twentieth Amendment changed the dates from December 3 to January 3. In addition to this fixed date, the President has the power to convene Congress on extraordinary occasions under Article 1, Section 3.

Where does Congress power to investigate come from?

Congress' power to investigate comes from the Necessary and Proper Clause included in Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution. This clause allows Congress additional powers as needed such as during an impeachment proceeding.

Where does congress's power to investigate come from?

Congress' power to investigate comes from the Necessary and Proper Clause included in Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution. This clause allows Congress additional powers as needed such as during an impeachment proceeding.

What does the elastic allows congress to do this?

What does the elastic clause allow Congress to do?It allows Congress to create laws or stretch laws which they think are necessary.

Which article allows the citizens of Washington DC to vote for the president?

The 23rd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution allows the Presidential vote for the District of Columbia. The amendment was proposed by Congress on June 16, 1960 and was ratified on March 29, 1961.

What article allows us to demonstrate peacefully?

The timmis article

What is the executive branch is responsibility?

Check and Balances. Article II of the Constitution: This article gives the President authority to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed, appoint people to assist in carrying out laws, negotiate treaties, and to command the military. Allows the President several checks on the power of the other two branches of government. Executive, Legislative and Judicial.

What clause that allows congress to have unlisted powers?

Unlisted powers of congress

The Tax Court is a court established by the?

The United States Tax Court was established by congress under Article I. The tax court allows taxpayers to litigate tax disputes with the Internal Revenue Service.