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The four perspectives on the boy's drunkenness can be psychological, medical, social, and legal. Psychological perspective focuses on emotional and mental factors contributing to his drunkenness, medical perspective looks at his physical health and substance use disorders, social perspective considers societal influences and relationships impacting his alcohol consumption, and legal perspective involves the legal consequences and regulations surrounding his level of intoxication. Each perspective offers a unique angle to understand and address the boy's drunkenness with different approaches and considerations.

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Q: The boy's drunkenness is seen from four perspectives what are they and how do they differ?
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Four traits that will help you interact positively with others are?

Empathy, active listening, open-mindedness, and respectfulness are key traits that will help you interact positively with others. These traits allow you to understand and connect with others, communicate effectively, and appreciate diverse perspectives.

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There isn't a universal rule that girls are more talkative than boys. Differences in communication styles between genders can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as social norms, upbringing, and individual personality traits. It's important not to generalize based on gender, as individuals vary greatly in their communication patterns.

What are the similarities and differences among the four models of organizatioal behavior?

The four models of organizational behavior (autocratic, custodial, supportive, and collegial) all focus on understanding employee behavior within an organization, but differ in their approach to managing and motivating employees. Autocratic model relies on top-down decision-making, custodial model emphasizes providing economic rewards, supportive model focuses on creating a positive work environment, and collegial model promotes teamwork and collaboration. Each model has its own strengths and weaknesses in effectively managing organizational behavior.

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Four descriptive traits refers to the four characteristics or qualities that describe a person, object, or concept in a detailed and specific manner. These traits provide a deeper understanding and insight into the particular subject being described.

Identify four strategies that help eliminate bias and discrimination within the workplace?

Implement unconscious bias training for all employees to raise awareness and promote understanding of biases. Encourage diversity in recruitment and promotion processes to ensure a variety of perspectives and backgrounds are represented. Establish clear anti-discrimination policies and provide resources for reporting and addressing instances of bias. Foster an inclusive workplace culture by celebrating diversity, promoting open communication, and providing equal opportunities for all employees.

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