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when the cells divide it is called mitosis. The process of mitosis is divided into 6 stages. The Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and cytokinasis. the stage you are asking about is anaphase, when the cells begin to seperate... hope this helped. im a Biology student :)

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2d ago

The process of the cell membrane pinching in two to form two daughter cells is called cytokinesis. This stage follows the separation of the duplicated genetic material during mitosis or meiosis.

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8y ago

The cell membrane is pinched in two during cytokinesis, which happens during prophase.

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11y ago

cytokinesis. If it is a cell that lacks a cell wall, the cell pinches in two. In a cell with a cell wall, a cell plate forms and separates the cell.

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Binary fusion

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Cytokinesis or Telephase

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Q: The cell membrane then pinches in two to form two daughter cells What is the term describing this process?
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What is formed when part of the cell membrane pinches off?

When part of the cell membrane pinches off, it forms a small vesicle called an endocytic vesicle. This process is known as endocytosis and allows the cell to engulf and internalize molecules or particles from its external environment.

What is all eukaryotic cells have membrane-covered compartments the form when part of the cell membrane an object and pinches off?

Eukaryotic cells have membrane-covered compartments that form through a process called endocytosis. This occurs when a portion of the cell membrane surrounds an object, such as a particle or molecule, and pinches off to form a vesicle inside the cell. This vesicle then transports the object into the cell for further processing.

Cytokinesis is evident in animal cells when?

Cytokinesis is evident in animal cells when the cell membrane pinches inwards, forming a cleavage furrow that eventually divides the cell into two daughter cells. This process occurs during the final stage of cell division (mitosis) and is important for ensuring each daughter cell receives the correct amount of cytoplasm and organelles.

How does cytokinesis occur in most animal cells?

In most animal cells, cytokinesis occurs through a process called cleavage. During cleavage, a contractile ring made of actin and myosin filaments forms around the middle of the cell. The ring contracts, pinching the cell in two and forming two daughter cells.

The pinching in of the cell membrane in animal cells is called?

The pinching in of the cell membrane in animal cells is called cytokinesis. This process is part of cell division and involves the physical separation of the two daughter cells.

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Prokaryotes reproduce asexually by a process that begins with the replication of a prokaryote's DNA The cell membrane then pinches in two to form two daughter cells What is the term describing th?

The term describing this process is binary fission.

What process is when the plasma membrane forms a pocket that pinches inward?

i don't know thats why I'm here

What is formed when part of the cell membrane pinches off?

When part of the cell membrane pinches off, it forms a small vesicle called an endocytic vesicle. This process is known as endocytosis and allows the cell to engulf and internalize molecules or particles from its external environment.

How does cytokinesis occur in most animal cells?

In most animal cells, cytokinesis occurs through a process called cleavage. During cleavage, a contractile ring made of actin and myosin filaments forms around the middle of the cell. The ring contracts, pinching the cell in two and forming two daughter cells.

Molecules bind to receptor sites and are enclosed in vesicles in the process of?

endocytosis, a mechanism by which cells internalize substances from the extracellular environment. This process allows cells to regulate the uptake of essential nutrients and signaling molecules. The molecules are enveloped by the cell membrane to form vesicles, which are then shuttled into the cell for further processing.

Which process requires cellular energy to move molecules across the cell membrane from a region of lower concentrations to a region of higher concentration?

You are describing active diffusion.

Is describing a process past tense?

Describing how to do a process is usually in the present tense.

What transports solid particles into a cell?

Cells can take in solids by the process of endocytosis.The cell membrane (plasma membrane) folds in, surrounding the solids, and pinches off to form a vacuole in the cytoplasm. The cell then secretes enzymes into the vacuole, and any digestible compounds in the solids are broken down and absorbed across the vacuole membrane into the cytoplasm.There are two types of endocytosis:if solids are taken in, the process is phagocytosis;if the vacuole contents are entirely liquid, it is pinocytosis.Endocytosis - Phagocytosis

What part of the cell split during mitosis?

Telophase begins to split the cells apart,but cytokinesis is when 2 new cells are complete formed. With 46 chromosomes in each

Diagram a cell with four chromosomes going through meiosis?

In meiosis, a cell with four chromosomes will undergo two rounds of division to produce four haploid daughter cells. During meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair up, exchange genetic material in a process called crossing over, and then separate, resulting in two daughter cells with two chromosomes each. In meiosis II, these daughter cells undergo a division similar to mitosis, resulting in four haploid daughter cells, each with one chromosome from each homologous pair.

What does a new cell membrane form?

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Cytokinesis in animal cells is called?

Cleavage furrow formation. It is the process by which the cytoplasm of a cell is divided into two daughter cells following cell division. This process involves the constriction of the cell membrane to form a furrow that eventually pinches the cell into two separate, identical daughter cells.