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Q: The colors on the map above show the locations of the major tectonic plates that make up the Earth's crust. Which city on the map is most likely to experience a major earthquake?
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Why you have an earthquake?

the tectonic plates are shifting under the earths surface.

What is a mega earthquake?

A mega earthquake is an extremely powerful earthquake, typically with a magnitude of 9.0 or higher on the Richter scale. These rare but catastrophic events can cause widespread destruction, tsunamis, and loss of life in the affected area.

What is a sudden shaking of the earths crust caused by the movement of tectonic plates?


Is it possible for all the earths tectonic plates to cause one big earthquake?

Yes, but it is highly unlikely.

How did the napier earthquake occur?

usually an earthquake occurs because underneath the earths crust are tectonic plates and when they move occasionlly one will get caught but the outside is still moving and that causes an earthquake

What are earthquakes tsunamis and volcano caused by?

They are all caused by the Earths The Earths Tectonic PLates. e.g When there is a crack or fracture in a tectonic plate the pressure slowley builds up until it if released. This can cause tsunamis if the plate is underwater or an earthquake if it is not.

Why do earthquakes happen near faults?

because the tectonic plates are moving beneth the earths crust, colliding with each other. if someone live along one of these fault lines between the plates they would experience a large earthquake.

Why do earthquakes happen near fault lines?

Earthquakes happen near fault lines because these are regions where tectonic plates are constantly shifting and rubbing against each other. The stress build-up along the fault lines eventually leads to the release of energy in the form of an earthquake.

Where can mountains be created?

At breaks in the earths crust; like the tectonic plates; an earthquake can trigger a volcano, and depending on what kind of volcano it is, it can form a mountain.

The surface of the earth moves violently in an what?

The surface of the earth moves violently in an earthquake. This occurs when there is a sudden release of energy in the earths crust. Anything from a volcano to a tectonic plate shift can cause an earthquake.

What makes an earthquake to create a volcano that make it erupt?

the moving of the tectonic plates which makes the earths surface unstable which then causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

What causes earths changes to earths landforms?

the tectonic platesthe tectonic plates can be move to be far and near to each other