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The cotton gin-Eli Whitney- around 1793.

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Q: The cotton what was invented during Washington's presidency?
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What did Eli Whitney invent during George Washington's presidency?

eli whitney invented the cotton gin (a machine that seperated cotton from its seeds) in 1793, which was during george washington's presidency

What did Eli Whitney develop during Washington presidency?

part of a plow or reaper

What was invented during George Washington presidency?

The cotton gin was patented in 1794 by Eli Whitney while Washington was President.

What was Washingtons contributions to his country before during and after his presidency?

Before his presidency Washington helped form a new country, as president he helped establish the role of the presidency, and after his presidency he became the new country's largest distiller of whiskey.

Who had the greatest impact on the economy during washingtons presidency?

Alexander Hamilton was probably Washington's most important adviser on the economy.

What was washingtons job during presidency?

The same things that the Preisident does today. Lead the army, be chief of state, be head ambassador, ect.

What major European event did the American Revolution inspire during washingtons presidency?

It inspired the French Revolution, which eventually led to Napoleon's rise to power.

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When was kleenex invented?

Kleenex was invented in1924 by kimberly-clark. she invented it as a substitute for cotton during world war 2.

Why did tensions between native Americans and settlers increase during Washingtons presidency?

Because Washington send General Anthony Wayne to put down the Native American resistance by force.

What machinery was invented during the agricultural revolution?

Cotton gin and grasshopper plows

Which now-common fabric was a luxury item during the Renaissance?

Cotton was a luxury fabric during the time of the Renaissance. Cotton was not yet often farmed, and until Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, it was not mass produced or fabric.