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Q: The developing embryo receives nutrients and oxygen from the mother's?
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Where does the embryo of the mammal receive its nutrients from?

The mammal embryo receives its nutrients from the mother through the placenta. The placenta allows nutrients to travel from the mother's system to the embryo's, and for waste products to leave the embryo's system so they can be disposed of by the mothers.

What provides food and oxygen for a developing embryo?

The Placenta uses a the process of diffusion to diffuse the nutrients from the mothers blood into the babies. Then the umbilical cord carries the nutrients to the baby to the Placenta. Answer is Placenta

What provides nourishment for the plant embryo?

The endosperm does. It acts much like yolk in an egg does for the embryo developing in the egg: provides the necessary nutrients for the developing embryo to grow from.

Is a duck egg able to eat?

Not in the normal sense. The developing embryo absorbs nutrients already in the egg.

Why might seeds be an advantage to a plant?

Seeds provide nutrients and protection to a developing embryo when it is at its most fragile.

Describe how the embryo receives oxygen and nutrients and how it gets rid of wastes?

its gets it all through the umbilical cord

What is the purpose of the endosperm?

The endosperm provides nutrients for the developing plant embryo. It primarily stores carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to support the growth and development of the embryo until it can photosynthesize and produce its own food.

What are embryo splitting?

The technique of embryo splitting involves removing an embryo. Individual cells from this embryo are removed and then placed into petri dishes that contain the correct nutrients and hormones for growth. Each of the removed cells now divides to form a new embryo. These embryos are then implanted into the uterus of surrogate mothers. These surrogate mothers will then give birth to identical young.

In the amniote egg the is the primary food source for the developing embryo?

It's a sack and not an egg but the primary food source, the only one, is the placenta and the nutrients go via the umbilical cord.

From the time a fertilized egg is implanted in a mothers uterus until about the eighth week of pregnancy the developing organism is called an?


What is the period of time called when the embryo is developing in the mothers body?

The common term is pregnancy. The technical term is gestation.

Why do eggs have yoke?

The egg yolk is the main source of food for a developing embryo, and the albumin (egg white) supplies other nutrients as well as water to prevent the embryo from drying out.