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Psychological anthrophology.

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1mo ago

The branch of anthropology that focuses on the development of individual personality is cultural anthropology. Cultural anthropologists study how cultural beliefs, values, and practices shape the personalities of individuals within a society. They examine how socialization processes influence personality development and how individuals navigate their identities within different cultural contexts.

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6y ago

psychological anthropology

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Q: The development of the personality of individuals might be studied in this branch of anthropology.?
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What type of anthropology provides assistance for the community being studied?

action anthropology.

Which branch of anthropology would study the disappearance of an Indian tribe in the Amazon Jungle?

Cultural anthropology would study the disappearance of an Indian tribe in the Amazon Jungle, focusing on understanding the tribe's social practices, belief systems, and interactions with external forces that may have contributed to their disappearance.

What is the nature and scope of anthropology?

Anthropology is the study of human societies and cultures, encompassing areas such as archaeology, linguistics, physical anthropology, and cultural anthropology. Its scope ranges from studying ancient civilizations to contemporary societies, with a focus on understanding human diversity, behavior, and evolution. Anthropologists conduct research through fieldwork, interviews, and analysis to gain insights into different societies and their practices.

Which field of anthropology uses ethnography to record the observations of a participant observer in a study?

Cultural anthropology is the field that often uses ethnography to record the observations of a participant observer in a study. Ethnography involves deep immersion in a culture or community to gain an insider's perspective on their practices and beliefs. This method allows anthropologists to better understand the social dynamics and cultural norms of the group being studied.

What field of anthropology uses ethnography to record the observations of a participant observer in a study?

Cultural anthropology is the field that typically uses ethnography to record the observations of a participant observer in a study. Ethnography involves detailed study and description of a specific cultural group, often through immersion in the community being studied.

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What type of anthropology provides assistance for the community being studied?

action anthropology.

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A reason for the emergence of linguistic anthropology in the US is the?

increased recognition of the importance of language as a cultural and social phenomenon among anthropologists in the mid-20th century. As anthropologists studied the role of language in shaping human behavior and social structures, linguistic anthropology emerged to focus specifically on the study of language within a cultural context. Additionally, the influence of structuralism and functionalism in anthropology contributed to the development of linguistic anthropology as a distinct subfield.

Multiple alleles can be studied only in individuals?

Multiple alleles can be studied only in populations, not individuals. An example of multiple alleles would be blood type, each person has only one blood type, but a population has a many permutations.

What is cognetive development?

Cognitive development refers to the process of how individuals acquire and use knowledge, language, problem-solving skills, and other mental abilities throughout their lifespan. It involves changes in thinking, reasoning, memory, and understanding that occur as individuals grow and interact with their environment. Cognitive development is often studied in the field of psychology and education to better understand how we learn and develop intellectually.

What is antrophology?

Anthropology is the study of cultures and their changes; it proceeds by the scientific method; it is not studied from an 'armchair' That means that much anthropology, is done in the field, or on the sites of the suspected location of the culture. wikipedia has a lead article with a detailed analysis of the various branches of anthropology. Do a search, such as a Google search, go to Wikipedia; keyboard 'anthropology'.

What is Developmental change?

Developmental change refers to the transformations that occur in individuals over the course of their lifespan. This can include physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur as individuals grow and develop. Developmental change is often studied in fields such as psychology and human development.

What is culture and how do we study it?

Culture is the beliefs, values, practices, and behaviors that define a group of people. It can be studied through various disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, and cultural studies, using methods like participant observation, interviews, and textual analysis to understand how culture shapes societies and individuals.

Division of anthropology?

there are 4 main divisions- social, cultural, linguistics and archaeology (which is normally studied as a separate subject) hope I helped.

Is personality development a science?

Yes, personality development is often studied within the field of psychology, which is considered a science. Researchers use scientific methods to investigate how personality traits develop over time and are influenced by various factors such as genetics, environment, and social experiences.