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First, let's eliminate the multifarious political, military, social, philosophical, psychological, and other emotional and other conceptual meanings of these two words. We will assume that you want to differentiate these terms in the broadest context of the physical sciences. Pressure is used in indicate that there is a quantifiable force applied to an object by another, often in term of a unit of area. Force is used to indicate there is a quantifiable vector being applied by an object upon another. The specific selection of one or the other term necessitates that the user acknowledge conventions of usage. For example, when working with gases, the term pressure is used to convey the concept of force applied by a gas upon a container. In contrast, when working with physical objects in mechanics, the term force is used to convey the concept of a vector applying energy to another object. Selection of either term is dependent upon the specific situation. Science uses conventions of accepted usage in order to know instinctively which term best conveys the meaning depending upon the scientific context regarding the materials involved. Term selection will best be conveyed in various scientific contexts by identifying the formulas with their units of measure used to quantify force and pressure in specific situations. Those situations include mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity, and others. Use of mathematical definitions in specific contexts will eliminate the apparent ambiguity.

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2mo ago

Pressure is the amount of force applied over a specific area, while force is a push or pull that has the ability to change the motion of an object. Pressure is the result of force distributed over an area, and is typically measured in units like Pascals (Pa) or pounds per square inch (psi).

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What is the formula for vaccum force?

The formula for vacuum force can be calculated as: Vacuum force = Pressure difference x Area Where the pressure difference is the difference in pressure between the vacuum and the surrounding atmosphere, and the area is the surface area over which the force is acting.

What is the upward force due to a pressure difference between the top and bottom of a wing?

The upward force due to a pressure difference is called lift. It is generated when the air pressure below the wing is higher than the pressure above the wing, creating a pressure difference that causes the wing to be pushed upward.

What is the driving force of different unit operations?

The driving force of different unit operations can vary depending on the specific process involved. For example, in distillation, the driving force is the difference in vapor pressure between the components being separated. In filtration, the driving force is the pressure difference across the filter medium. In heat exchangers, the driving force is the temperature difference between the two fluids exchanging heat.

When the pressure of the bottom of a submerged object is less than the pressure at the top of the submerged object a buoyant force is produced?

greater than

What is the origin of upthrust in fluid?

Upthrust in fluid, also known as buoyant force, is caused by the pressure difference between the top and bottom of an object submerged in a fluid. This pressure difference creates a net force pushing the object upwards. It is a result of Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

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what is the difference between thrust and pressure?

What is the formula for vaccum force?

The formula for vacuum force can be calculated as: Vacuum force = Pressure difference x Area Where the pressure difference is the difference in pressure between the vacuum and the surrounding atmosphere, and the area is the surface area over which the force is acting.

What is the upward force due to a pressure difference between the top and bottom of a wing?

The upward force due to a pressure difference is called lift. It is generated when the air pressure below the wing is higher than the pressure above the wing, creating a pressure difference that causes the wing to be pushed upward.

Force produced by a pressure difference?

The force produced by a pressure difference can be calculated using the formula F = A * P, where F is the force, A is the area over which the pressure is acting, and P is the pressure difference. The SI unit for pressure is Pascal (Pa) and the unit for force is Newton (N).

Why CO2 gas comes out in force when bottles of soda is opened?

The cause is the pressure difference between the gas pressure in the bottle and the atmospheric pressure.

What are relationships between pressure and force and between pressure and area?

pressure is force divided by area

What is the driving force of different unit operations?

The driving force of different unit operations can vary depending on the specific process involved. For example, in distillation, the driving force is the difference in vapor pressure between the components being separated. In filtration, the driving force is the pressure difference across the filter medium. In heat exchangers, the driving force is the temperature difference between the two fluids exchanging heat.

When the pressure of the bottom of a submerged object is less than the pressure at the top of the submerged object a buoyant force is produced?

greater than

What is the origin of upthrust in fluid?

Upthrust in fluid, also known as buoyant force, is caused by the pressure difference between the top and bottom of an object submerged in a fluid. This pressure difference creates a net force pushing the object upwards. It is a result of Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

Why does the buoyancy force on an object act upward?

The buoyancy force is the upward force exerted on an object immersed in a fluid due to the pressure difference between the top and bottom of the object. This pressure difference results in a net upward force that is greater than the downward force of gravity, causing the object to float.

This force describes how water exerts an upward force on submerged objects?

This is called a "bouyant" force. It is due to the difference in water pressure between the top of the object and the bottom of the object. Water pressure increases with depth.

What is a pressure gradient and how is it related to air movement?

A pressure gradient is the change in pressure over a distance. Air moves from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure due to the pressure gradient force. The greater the pressure difference, the stronger the force and the faster the air movement.