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Q: The distal end of the trachea connects to what structure?
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What is bone marking that can be palpated at the distal end of the fibula?

The lateral malleolus is the bone marking that can be palpated at the distal end of the fibula. This structure is the bump at the outside of your ankle.

What is a fracture of the distal end of the fibula?

The distal ends of the tibia and fibula are the malleoli (singular malleolus). The tibia has the medial malleolus, and the fibula has the lateral malleolus.

Is the lateral malleolus distal end of the tibia?

No, the lateral malleolus is the distal end of the fibula. The medial malleolus is the distal end of the tibia.

What connects the esophagus and duodenum?

yes, they connect at the pharynx or more commonly called the throat. but every time you swallow the epiglottis (end of the tongue) covers the trachea (windpipe) so that the food or liquid can get to the esophagus hope that helps

What is the carina?

The carina is an internal cartilaginous ridge at the distal end of the trachea. The carina is sensitive to touch. The sensation of touch will be carried by the vagus nerve to the cough reflex centre in the brain stem.

What is Carina?

The carina is an internal cartilaginous ridge at the distal end of the trachea. The carina is sensitive to touch. The sensation of touch will be carried by the vagus nerve to the cough reflex centre in the brain stem.

What is known as the most distal structure of the digestive sytem?

The most inferior (caudal) portion of the digestive system is the anus which is at the end of the rectum.

Where is the anterior surface of the distal end of the pancreas?

The anterior surface of the distal end of the pancreas is the middle of the stomach.

How do you the word distal in a sentence?

The distal end of the bone was fractured in the accident.

Where does the trachea end?

tThe trachea ends at the bronchia which takes air from the trachea to the lungs.

Is The distal end of the humerus at the shoulder?

The distal end of the humerus articulates with the two bones of the forearm, the radius and the ulna. Noteworthy features on its distal and are the lateral and medial epicondyles (one of which is your elbow) as well as the trochlea and capitulum(both of these features forming the "pulley" shape found at the end of the humerus.

Where transcondylar distal humerus?

The distal humerus is the end of the humerus nearest the elbow. Transcondylar means across the condyles, or the knobs at the end of the humerus.