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Well because the Mercator project is made to stretch out so Greenland stretches out and it bigger on the Robinson projection and this is the wrong answer have a good day folks lol jk this is the right answer ppl

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It is Greater on the mercator projection than the Robinson projection.

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Q: Why do Greenland appears larger on a mercator projection than it does on a Robinson projection?
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Why Greenland appears larger on a mercator projections than it does on a Robinson projection?

Well because the Mercator project is made to stretch out so Greenland stretches out and it bigger on the Robinson projection and this is the wrong answer have a good day folks lol jk this is the right answer ppl

How are maps useful?

mercator projection are mostly used by navigator because all meridians appears as astraiht line

How are map projections used?

mercator projection are mostly used by navigator because all meridians appears as astraiht line

Why is Ireland bigger on Google Maps than in real life?

Google maps appears to use a type of Mercator projection. This distorts areas; places further from the equator appear significantly larger relative to areas near the equator. (you'll note that on their map, Greenland appears to be about the same size or even larger than Brazil).

Why does Greenland appear to be larger on a mercator projection than it does on a Robinson project?

The world is round, but maps are done on flat surfaces. To compensate for this, countries further from the equator get stretched. Greenland appears to be as big as all of Africa on a map like that, where in fact it is only about the size of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Alaska looks about half the size of the lower 48 states, but in reality it is much smaller. Watch for the lines of latitude and longitude to give a better idea of how big countries are in relation to each other.

Which continent appears much wider than it really is compared to other continents on a mercator projection map?

If I remember correctly, it is Antarctica, because in the process of making a model of the earth flat so that it can become a map, the globe is distorted, meaning that some seas and continents look bigger than they really are, like Greenland.

Is Greenland a continet?

It is too small to be regarded as a continent, but is an island. On maps using the Mercator projection, it appears to be larger than it really is. A map using other projections or a globe show its true size more accurately. Not only that, it is not a landmass itself. North America, like most other continents, has had its margins flooded. Greenland is part of North America, but the sea level is too high to show it.

Why is green land not a continent?

It is too small to be regarded as a continent, but is an island. On maps using the Mercator projection, it appears to be larger than it really is. A map using other projections or a globe show its true size more accurately. Not only that, it is not a landmass itself. North America, like most other continents, has had its margins flooded. Greenland is part of North America, but the sea level is too high to show it.

Which continent appears much wider than it really is compared to the other continents on a mercator projection map?

Greenland appears much wider than it really is compared to other continents on a Mercator projection map. This distortion is due to the way the Mercator projection stretches out land masses near the poles.

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Is mapping the South Pole a cylindrical projection?

This appears to be a true statement.

Through which large Canadian island does the Arctic Circle pass?

Greenland, which is a much smaller island than it appears on maps, due to distortion.