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no. because the other planets are different distances away from the sun so it would take slightly longer for mars but quicker for Venus.

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Q: The earth takes one year to go around the sun do all the other planets do the same?
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Why do the moon and earth do not bump each other?

because the moon has an orbit that goes around the earth which is a path that the moon takes so it will not bump into any other planets

How does the distance affect the time it takes the earth and the other planets to go around the sun?

it can affect the time bec. when the planet is near the sun it will rotates very fast than the other far planets....

How long does it take mars to make a full rotation around the sun?

Mars does not rotate around the Sun. It revolves around the Sun. It takes Mars about 687 Earth days for Mars to revolve once around the Sun.Planets and moons rotate about their own axes, but they revolve around the Sun (for planets) or (for moons) other planets.

How many days are in a Martian week?

Weeks are sets of 7 days used solely for Earth. Other planets have years because a year is the time it takes to go around the sun once and days because a day is how long it takes to turn once, but they do not have special months or weeks. So there is no such thing as a Martian week.Weeks are sets of 7 days used solely for Earth. Other planets have years because a year is the time it takes to go around the sun once and days because a day is how long it takes to turn once, but they do not have special months or weeks. So there is no such thing as a Martian week.Weeks are sets of 7 days used solely for Earth. Other planets have years because a year is the time it takes to go around the sun once and days because a day is how long it takes to turn once, but they do not have special months or weeks. So there is no such thing as a Martian week.Weeks are sets of 7 days used solely for Earth. Other planets have years because a year is the time it takes to go around the sun once and days because a day is how long it takes to turn once, but they do not have special months or weeks. So there is no such thing as a Martian week.Weeks are sets of 7 days used solely for Earth. Other planets have years because a year is the time it takes to go around the sun once and days because a day is how long it takes to turn once, but they do not have special months or weeks. So there is no such thing as a Martian week.Weeks are sets of 7 days used solely for Earth. Other planets have years because a year is the time it takes to go around the sun once and days because a day is how long it takes to turn once, but they do not have special months or weeks. So there is no such thing as a Martian week.Weeks are sets of 7 days used solely for Earth. Other planets have years because a year is the time it takes to go around the sun once and days because a day is how long it takes to turn once, but they do not have special months or weeks. So there is no such thing as a Martian week.Weeks are sets of 7 days used solely for Earth. Other planets have years because a year is the time it takes to go around the sun once and days because a day is how long it takes to turn once, but they do not have special months or weeks. So there is no such thing as a Martian week.Weeks are sets of 7 days used solely for Earth. Other planets have years because a year is the time it takes to go around the sun once and days because a day is how long it takes to turn once, but they do not have special months or weeks. So there is no such thing as a Martian week.Weeks are sets of 7 days used solely for Earth. Other planets have years because a year is the time it takes to go around the sun once and days because a day is how long it takes to turn once, but they do not have special months or weeks. So there is no such thing as a Martian week.Weeks are sets of 7 days used solely for Earth. Other planets have years because a year is the time it takes to go around the sun once and days because a day is how long it takes to turn once, but they do not have special months or weeks. So there is no such thing as a Martian week.

Does the sun move around the earth?

No The Earth Moves Around The Sun While All The Other Planets Do To. Its Takes a Year For The Earth To Move Around The Sun. The Closer The Planet Is To The Sun, The Less Time It Takes.The sun is the center point of the solar system. Earth moves around it. The sun is a great force of gravity (and is where the gravity on earth originates) keeping everything surrounding it in constant orbit around it.

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What is the path of revolution for Jupiter?

Like all other planets, Jupiter goes around the Sun in an ellipse. It takes approximately 12 Earth years for one complete revolution.Like all other planets, Jupiter goes around the Sun in an ellipse. It takes approximately 12 Earth years for one complete revolution.Like all other planets, Jupiter goes around the Sun in an ellipse. It takes approximately 12 Earth years for one complete revolution.Like all other planets, Jupiter goes around the Sun in an ellipse. It takes approximately 12 Earth years for one complete revolution.

Does the earth rotate like the other planets?

Yes the Earth does rotate like the other planets (except for the distance of the rotation(assuming your talking about the rotation around the Sun); the wobble of the Earths axis compared to other planets; and the time it takes to rotate)

Why do the moon and earth do not bump each other?

because the moon has an orbit that goes around the earth which is a path that the moon takes so it will not bump into any other planets

How does the distance affect the time it takes the earth and the other planets to go around the sun?

it can affect the time bec. when the planet is near the sun it will rotates very fast than the other far planets....

Does corrosion of materials takes place in mars or other planets except earth?


Does the Earth and other planets move around the Sun?

The existence of large objects like planets or stars curve space and time. As the Earth goes around the sun it is in fact falling into the sun. The problem is that the sun and other planets are also moving. Gravity from the sun's previous location takes time to reach the Earth and planets such that the gravity from another location reaches the targets first. As the Earth and other planets reach a location where it might be moving in; the sun moves again, and other planets impart their gravity as well. The gravity of the sun becomes diluted throughout the heliosheath because of this weakening the effect of gravity even further.

How is a year on a PLANET?

On Earth, a year is the time Earth takes to travel once around the Sun. The term "year", applied to other planets, may either refer to a standard Earth year, which is a very convenient unit of time, or to the time the planet takes to go once around the Sun. As an example, a "year" on Jupiter takes about 12 Earth years.

Does the sun rotate or does it stay in one place?

The Sun rotates on its axis. Other planets rotate around the Sun. It takes 365 days for the Earth to orbit (move around) the Sun.

Does Saturn revolve around the sun?

Yes, Saturn revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit, much like Earth and the other planets in our solar system. It takes about 29.5 Earth years for Saturn to complete one orbit around the sun.

What do planets do as they travel around earth?

They don't travel around earth they revolve around the sun and they rotate and one trip around the sun takes 365 and 1/4 days

When you go on different planets it takes more energy to move something than it is on Earth Is it more gravity or less gravity?

Other planets have more or less gravity than Earth, so the energy needed to move things around is also more or less.

Do planets tend to have more earth days the further they are from the sun?

Yes, planets that are farther from the sun have larger orbits and it takes then longer to revolve around the sun. Therefore, they have more earth days.