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Q: The effect of heat of the different object?
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What is the effect of heat to an object?

is when you get near the heat to an object like plastic bottle it will be get milted an a seconds only

What is an effect of heat on the temperature of an object?

it makes the particles move faster so it expands.

What is the effect of heat on the temperature of an object?

the temperature is bla bla

Can different areas of a object have different heat levels?


How will heat move when two areas are of different temperatures?

Heat will will move from an object of higher temperature to an object of lower temperature

How are heat and work similar and different?

Work is a cause and heat is an effect

What happens if two objects with a different temperature touch?

the heat from the warmer object will move to the colder object, for heat can only move in one direction.

In which direction is energy transferred as heat between two objects at different temperatures?

Heat flows from the hotter object to the colder object, unless there is some external process (such as a heat pump) which is transferring the heat in the opposite direction.

When objects of two different temperature are in contact that happens?

The warmer object transfers heat energy to the cooler object.

What is effect of heat on different liquids?

Effects are: boiling or thermal decompostion.

Using specific examples, explain the effect of different environmental factors on phenotype of crop plants and animals?

[object Object]

How is conduction heat transferred between hot and cold objects?

Conduction of heat means that two objects with different temperatures are touching each other. The heat of the hotter object generally transfers to the cooler object. In the hotter object, molecules are moving faster. The vibration from these molecules causes the molecules in the cooler object to vibrate faster, which translates into heat.