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F = (kq1q2)/(r2)

k = 8.99*109 Nm2/C2

q1 and q2 are both = 1.602*10-19 C

r = 52.9*10-12 m

The magnitude = 8.23*10-8 N

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1w ago

The magnitude of the force between the electron and proton in a hydrogen atom can be calculated using Coulomb's Law: F = k * |q1 * q2| / r^2, where k is the Coulomb constant (8.99 x 10^9 Nm^2/C^2), q1 and q2 are the charges of the electron and proton (1.6 x 10^-19 C), and r is the distance between them (52.9 x 10^-12 m). Plugging in these values, the magnitude of the force between the electron and proton is approximately 8.2 x 10^-8 N.

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Q: The electron and proton in a hydrogen atom are 52.9pm apart what is the magnitude of force between them?
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What is the difference between a proton and a hydrogen ion?

A proton is a subatomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom. A hydrogen ion, on the other hand, is a positively charged ion of hydrogen that has lost its electron. So, a hydrogen ion is essentially a proton outside of the nucleus.

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No, protons and electrons have the same magnitude of charge but opposite signs. Protons have a positive charge while electrons have a negative charge of the same magnitude.

How many protons neutrons and electrons are in hydrogen?

Hydrogen - 1 proton, 1 electron Deuterium - 1 proton, 1 neutron 1 electron Tritium - 1 proton, 2 neutrons, 1 electron

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A proton. A proton has a mass of 1 a.m.u. while an electron has a mass of 1/1840 a.m.u.

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The mass of an electron is approximately 1⁄1836 of a proton. Thus as hydrogen is made of one proton and one electron, hydrogen is 1837 times heavier than an electron.

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Most hydrogen ions are simply protons. They have no neutron associated with them, and because they are ions, there is no electron. If the hydrogen is known to have no neutron, it is called protium. For practical proposes, there is no distinction between a protium ion and a proton that is not part of a nucleus. Some hydrogen ions are not simply protons, however, and have an associated neutron. In this form, the hydrogen is referred to as deuterium. When hydrogen has two neutrons, it is called tritium, and is radioactive.

Are the charges of an electron cancelled by the charges of a proton?

Yes. The magnitude of electrical charge on a proton is the same as the magnitude of electrical charge on an electron. The charge on a proton is positive and the charge on an electron is neutral, so that a pair containing one of each of them has no net electrical charge.

What is the electric charge does proton have in electron?

A proton has a positive charge which is equal in magnitude but opposite to the charge on an electron, which is negative.

Is it possible for an atom to have no neutrons?

A hydrogen atom is only a proton and an electron. Beyond that the neutron seems to keep the nucleus together and stable. Maybe a better question is, "What is the difference between a hydrogen atom without an electron and a proton?"

What are the positively charged subatomic particles that remain when a hydrogen atom loses an electron?

Hydrogen is composed of 1 proton and 1 electron. If it loses its electron, it still has 1 proton left, which is a positive charge.

How is a hydrogen atom is different than a proton?

A hydrogen atom, H, is a proton (as nucleus) with one electron orbitting around it. A proton is just (the same as above) one proton, which lacks the electron: H+ .

What is hydrogen 1?

Hydrogen exists as 3 isotopes: Hydrogen with 1 proton and 1 electron; Dueterium (also called Heavy Hydrogen) with 1 neutron, 1 proton and 1 electron, and Tritium having two neutrons, 1 proton and 1 electron. Note that all have 1 proton (i.e. the Atomic Number) being all the same element.