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Q: The energy of air on the top and bottom of a wing generates?
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How does plane fly in the air?

If you look at the typical airplane wing, you will notice that the bottom is relatively flat as opposed to the top of the wing that is curved. As the wing goes through the air, the air on top of the wing must travel faster relative to the air on the bottom of the wing. This create a low pressure vacuum on top of the wing. That vacuum creates lift, and enables the plane to sustain flight. This behavior is the Bernoulli principle. As the wing angle is increased, relative to the air it's going through (called Angle of Attack), it will increase lift, at least to a point. When a wing angle of attack becomes to high, the air above the wing becomes too turbulent and the wing will then "stall" (stops producing lift).

What is the reason why an airplane can lift off the ground?

Due to the shape of an airplane wing, air passing over the top of the wing has to go a greater distance to get from the front of the wing to the back than air passing along the bottom of the wing. That makes the air on top of the wing less dense than the air at the bottom of the wing. That causes the wing to be pushed away from the denser air below the wing toward the less dense air above the wing.

How do you travell through air?

If you are talking about flying then its a process called lift. It was found that air pressure reduces at slower speeds and increases at higher speeds. Air planes fly because the wing of the plane channels and splits air. Some air moves over the top of the wing and some air moves under it. The wing is curved on the top forcing the air to travel farther and slow down. Compared to the underside of a wing which is straight and allows the air to continue at the same speed it approaches the wing of the plane. Because the speed of the air is faster on the bottom of the wing the air pressure increases forcing the wing to rise up because the air is pushing up on the wing.

Can the shape of a wing help obtain lift?

Yes. Wing shape and speed are the two main factors in obtaining lift. The typical wing design has a mostly flat bottom side and a more curved top side. The leading edge of the wing bulges upward on top so that air crossing the wing is pushed upward. The bulge then thins out, sloping downward toward the wing's rear. The result of this difference in shape between the top and bottom of the wing is that there is less air pressure above the wing than below. The greater pessure under the wing pushes upward, creating lift.

An airplane stays in the air because the air pressure on the top of the wing is less than the pressure on the bottom This creates a phenomenon called what?

Horseisle Answer : Lift

Related questions

Why airplane float in the air?

Because the speed of the air over the wing generates 'lift' to make it fly.

Why airplane float in air?

Because the speed of the air over the wing generates 'lift' to make it fly.

What causes lift on an airplane wing?

The air on top of the wing is at a lower pressure than the air at the bottom of the wing so wing is pulled upwards

Air above an airplane wing is moving faster than air below an airplane wing This causes the plane to?

Low pressure is created over the top of the wing while higher pressure is below the wing which generates lift.

How airplane moves in air?

The shape of the wing and the forward speed generates lift and the aircraft rises.

Hey Malcolm and Darryal call me when you go on?

Birds and insects fly by thrust, and lift.the diagram explains my point.=the air on the top must travel faster than the air on the bottom. The air movement keeps the the wing up, and also the power the bird generates does too.=

What gives a plane most of its lift?

If we slice the wing of a typical commercial airplane and look at its cross-section, its shape looks like a stretched-out water droplet. This aerodynamic shape is referred to as an airfoil. Usually, the position of the airfoil in flight is set at an angle so that air first hits the wing's front edge and bottom. This causes the air stream to split. The air above the wing travels faster over a curved surface than the air below the wing. The faster air has a lower pressure than the slower air, and it is this pressure difference that generates lift.

How do airplanes flya?

They way airplanes fly is actually very simple. The wing of an airplane is curved on the top and flat on the bottom. This means that the top side of the wing is longer than the bottom part. When air passes by the wing, some of the air goes on top and some on the bottom. Because the particles of air want to stay together by the law of attraction, the air that passes over the top of the wing moves faster than the air that flows under the wing. This causes a low pressure system to form above the wing and a high pressure system to form below the wing. The higher pressure beneath the wing forces the wing up allowing the air plane to fly. This is also called Bernoullis principle.

How does an airplane stay up in the air?

Winglift.Lift is pressure on the wing due differential air pressure below and above wing. This difference results from the difference in curvature of the wing top and bottom..

Is the air that travels over the wing of the plane is more dense?

A wing when looked upon from the wing tip is curved at the top and straight along the bottom. So, now there is more surface area on the top in comparison to the bottom. As air rushes along on both sides the air on the bottom is less dense and has a higher pressure compared to the air along the top. Think of the air on top as "stretched out" and therefore thinner than the air on the bottom. This creates a low pressure allowing the high pressure air on the bottom to push up. Ergo, flight.

How does an aircraft get lift?

To put it quite simply Suction. The wing of an air plane is made in such a shape that as it slices through the air, it takes longer for the air at the top of the wing to rejoin the air that has passed along the bottom of the wing. in effect this brings about a situation where a partial vacuum happens on the top of the wing which in turn causes the wing to be sucked upwards. combine this with enough forward speed and a lot of other engineering and you have flight.

Why does the bottom of a airplanes wing have high air pressure?

Because the air moving above the wing is of lower pressure than the bottom. This pressure differential is what creates lift. Check out Bernoulli's Principle for more information.