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The energy you feel as heat from an electric burner is carried by electromagnetic waves called infrared rays. Particles of light energy is called photon.

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Q: The energy you feel as heat from an eletric burner is carried by electromagnetic waves called?
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What is the energy you feel as heat from an electric burner is carried by electromagnetic waves is called?


What is the energy you feel as heat from an electric burner is carried by electromagnetic waves called?


The energy you feel as heat from an electric burner is carried by electromagnetic waves called?

infrared radiation

The energy carried by an electromagnetic wave is called?

EMP or electromagnetic pulse. It can disrupt electronic systems, and signals.

What is the energy carried by electromagnetic waves called?

EMP or electromagnetic pulse. It can disrupt electronic systems, and signals.By- Prakhar Srivastava

What is the energy carried by an electromagnetic wave is called?

Radiant Energy

What is heat by electromagnetic waves called?

The transfer of heat by electromagnetic radiation is called thermal radiation. It is usually carried out by electromagnetic waves in an energy range just below the visible spectrum, which is the infrared range.

What is energy called by electromagnetic waves?

Energy carried by electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic energy. These waves contain a mix of both electrical and magnetic fields, moving at the speed of light. Different types of electromagnetic waves include visible light, radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays.

What is energy that is carried by light?

Energy carried by light is called electromagnetic energy. It is made up of particles called photons that have both wave-like and particle-like properties. This energy can be absorbed by materials and converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or electricity.

What is the transfer of heat from a stove burner to pan on the burner called?


What is energy from light called?

Energy from light is called electromagnetic energy, or more specifically, radiant energy. This type of energy is carried by electromagnetic waves, such as visible light, infrared radiation, ultraviolet light, and other forms of electromagnetic radiation.

What is the thing for heating objects in science?

The device used for heating objects in science is called a heat source. This can come in the form of a Bunsen burner, hot plate, or an oven, depending on the specific experiment or process being carried out. Heating objects is often necessary to initiate chemical reactions or change the physical properties of a substance.