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Q: The evolution of civilization has been directly affected by the development of tools and what?
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Which early civilization most directly contributed to the development of both Christianity and Islam?

Hebrewwhat early civilization most directly contributed to the development of both Christianity and Islam?

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Early civilization most directly contributed to the development of both Christianity and Islam?

The Hebrew civilization most directly contributed to the development of both Christianity and Islam. Abraham was a Hebrew and had two sons Ishmael and Jacob. Islam is from Ishmael's lineage and Christianity is from Jacob's lineage.

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Because they also explained the concept of infinity-something without an end.

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The development of the Mesopotamian civilization, specifically the Sumerians, was most directly influenced by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the Zagros Mountains, and the Syrian Desert. These geographical features provided fertile land for agriculture, access to water for irrigation, and natural barriers for protection.

Is development of humans was directly dependent on the development of language?

The development of language played a significant role in the evolution and cognitive advancement of humans. Language allowed for complex communication, the sharing of knowledge, and the formation of communities. Although not the sole factor, the development of language has been closely linked to the progress of human development.

Which early civilization was influenced most directly by the Tigris river the zagros mountains and the syrian desert?

The early civilization most directly influenced by the Tigris River, Zagros Mountains, and Syrian Desert was the ancient Mesopotamian civilization. The Tigris River provided water for irrigation, the Zagros Mountains acted as a natural barrier for protection, and the Syrian Desert limited the civilization's expansion in certain directions. These geographical features shaped the development and prosperity of Mesopotamia.

Was The development of humans directly dependent on the development of language?

The development of humans was not directly dependent on the development of language, as other factors such as social cooperation, tool use, and problem-solving skills also played important roles. However, the evolution of language did contribute to the advancement of human communication, culture, and cognitive abilities, potentially allowing for more complex social interactions and technological advancements.

Which phase is directly affected when a cancer drug interferes with the development of mitotic spindle fibers during cell division?

Late prophase, metaphase, and anaphase would be negatively affected by a cancer drug that interferes with the development of mitotic fibers in cell division.

How did Plato contribute to evolution?

Plato did not contribute directly to the theory of evolution as it was developed centuries after his time. However, his philosophical ideas, such as the concept of ideal forms and the importance of reason and knowledge, continue to influence the way we think about the natural world and the development of scientific theories.

Which geographic characteristic most directly contributed to the development of the first civilization?

The geographic factor that was most important to the development of the early river valley civilizations would be the river. This is because it gave them fertile soil to grow crops.

What affected The different climates and geography of each colonial region most directly?

Climate most directly affected agriculture.